Photo for today:

Adding to my feather collection. ::smiles::
I am thankful for….
1. A FIVE-DAY WEEKEND! Woohoo bitches! I don’t work Fridays, and I have Monday and Tuesday off for the 4th of July observance. And then next week I only work two days! Woohoo! ::happy dance::
2. Spotting my first hummingbird of the season on Tuesday. And saw another yesterday. I seriously adore those tiny winged jewels.
3. My rosebush is going into a second blooming. She has a handful of blooms just ready to pop open. ::smiles::
4. My Litha altar and ritual turned out beautifully. This was definitely one of my prettiest altars yet.
5. My Railroad Spike protection and blessing ritual is going very well. Ten more days until it’s time to drive the spikes into the boundary points and set it all in motion.
6. My gorgeous feathers from Klaus. I am thinking of having some of them framed and hung in my room. They are just gorgeous and shouldn’t be hanging out in a box in my closet.
7. Having a dozen or so huge, orange dragonflies zipping around me and Josey on our walk today.
8. Finally speaking to Sandy and Ken (bosses at the Tech Job) about Evan being crazy lazy and slow and on his phone all the damn time. Hopefully they’ll take steps to light a fire under his ass because I’m hitting my breaking point.
9. Speaking of the Tech Job, I got a $2 an hour raise this time around. Woohoo!
10. David also has Monday and Tuesday off of work. I’m sure he’ll have a number of projects he’ll want to attend to, which will allow me to focus on my own projects. ::smiles::
Adding to my feather collection. ::smiles::
I am thankful for….
1. A FIVE-DAY WEEKEND! Woohoo bitches! I don’t work Fridays, and I have Monday and Tuesday off for the 4th of July observance. And then next week I only work two days! Woohoo! ::happy dance::
2. Spotting my first hummingbird of the season on Tuesday. And saw another yesterday. I seriously adore those tiny winged jewels.
3. My rosebush is going into a second blooming. She has a handful of blooms just ready to pop open. ::smiles::
4. My Litha altar and ritual turned out beautifully. This was definitely one of my prettiest altars yet.
5. My Railroad Spike protection and blessing ritual is going very well. Ten more days until it’s time to drive the spikes into the boundary points and set it all in motion.
6. My gorgeous feathers from Klaus. I am thinking of having some of them framed and hung in my room. They are just gorgeous and shouldn’t be hanging out in a box in my closet.
7. Having a dozen or so huge, orange dragonflies zipping around me and Josey on our walk today.
8. Finally speaking to Sandy and Ken (bosses at the Tech Job) about Evan being crazy lazy and slow and on his phone all the damn time. Hopefully they’ll take steps to light a fire under his ass because I’m hitting my breaking point.
9. Speaking of the Tech Job, I got a $2 an hour raise this time around. Woohoo!
10. David also has Monday and Tuesday off of work. I’m sure he’ll have a number of projects he’ll want to attend to, which will allow me to focus on my own projects. ::smiles::