Tuesday, May 30, 2017



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I got purple put in my hair.

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And this is a HUGE deal because ever since I started working at age 15, I have always worked for places that outright banned “unnatural” hair color. So I never really had the opportunity to have some fun with my hair. The best I ever got was when I went red for a few years in high school (much to my Mom’s dismay ::laughs:: ).

But I decided that this summer was a Summer of ME. And given that I’m working in the warehouse for technology, I figured this would be the best way I could slide on the whole “no unnatural hair color” rule. ::chuckles::

So yes. I’ve got the bottom 4 inches of my hair dyed a deep plum purple. And honestly, half the time, you can barely tell. I had to work hard to finally get photos that show that my hair is actually purple.
Tracy, the hair dresser who did this awesome job, also put in two stripes just under my part. I elected not to bleach those, so it’s just the purple on my natural hair color. And the way it mostly blends in? The way I have to LOOK for them, even though I know they are there…has me really tempted to do a “halo”. Tracy says a number of the teachers do that. So I’m thinking I may do that once school starts back up. Put a halo of purple all the way around. Kind of like having a tattoo. Or wearing super sexy panties under a dress….or not wearing anything at all. A fun little rebel secret. It’s a fun way to thumb your nose at The Establishment without risking my job. ::chuckles:: Honestly, I would love to put in a halo of red…that devilish streak of mine is shining through. Tracy says the red she uses is purple based, instead of pink based, like most of the red dyes out there. That way I could avoid that whole red-that-fades-into-pink, as I’m NOT a fan of pink.

But oh the possibilities! I could easily get my lavender. Or turquoise. Or red. Or blue. Or all of the above.

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