Photo of the day:
A fun photo of a fun postcard I’m sending off to Germany. Nothing screams Texas like a whole bunch of flashy cowboy boots. ::chuckles::
So I am officially DONE with this semester. Woohoo! I turned in my final project for the Management class.
AND I got word that the professor for the Preservation class reviewed the terminology quiz – I currently had an 88. But after she reviewed it – a number of my answers were correct, just specifically worded the way she had for the quiz – and not only did I ACE the quiz, but I also won the extra credit points. So that 88 changed to 103!!!! Just waiting for her to put in the participation grade and I’m all done with that class. I’m currently sitting at a 96, but it would be nice if the participation grade bumps that up even more.
And I finally heard back from my advisor and I’ve been given the green light to register for my Fall Semester. I will be taking “Public Libraries” and “Archives and Manuscripts”.
Public Libraries class is about: Problems of organization and management of public libraries and urban/rural library systems; their resources, functions and services. Related municipal, regional and state information agencies and services. Federal and state programs; development and trends. Individual investigation of major issues and topics.
Archives and Manuscripts class is about: This course is an examination of the major organizing concepts which guide modern archival and manuscript practices. Students will utilize archival history and theory to understand the purpose of archives in society. Practices such as appraisal, arrangement and description, preservation, outreach, ethics and management will be examined in an archival context.
Both sound quite interesting to me. So I’ve got my fingers crossed!
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