Photo for today:
The first blue jay feather I’ve found here at the house. I do miss my wood trails by the old apartments (Pre-Hobo-and-Thug season). I think one year, I found a dozen or so blue jay feathers on my various daily walks with Old Lady Dog, Holly. Rest in peace, dear Holly. We’ll raise hell with you once David and I cross over.
I’ve been trying to delve deeper into “A Witch Alone”, but this first chapter is super “fluffy” and super Wicca 101. And I find myself utterly bored and grumpy with it. ::chuckles:: But it is good to brush up on the basics, even when I do not consider myself Wiccan. If nothing else, it’s nice to touch base on what facilitated the Break with Christianity. Actually, I had started breaking away from Christianity before Wicca entered the playing field. Wicca just gave me a direction to start heading.
Kimberly (a journaling buddy of mine) mentioned she ordered a book called “SOS Inspiration for the Witch on the Left Hand Path” by Bruce Peterson. It peaked my interest. I went to solely scope it out on Amazon, and ended up ordering a copy. ::laughs:: But I use Smile Amazon, so a portion of the money I spent will go to Wolf Park (the nonprofit I’ve selected to receive my donations), so at least a portion of the money is going to a good cause. ::smiles::
Well, turns out I didn’t do so good on my final project. I’m sure it was the budget section that brought the overall grade down. ::sighs:: So no, I won’t get my 4.0 this semester. For the Management class, I’m sitting at a 88. Sucks, but it is what it is. And a B is good enough for the degree, so I won’t have to retake that damn class. I’m bummed that my grade dropped to a B, but I’m so glad it is OVER.
I am still waiting for the final participation grade to be logged for my Preservation class and then I’ll know what that final grade will be. After that, I don’t want to think about college until the beginning of August. ::chuckles:: I just want to kick back and relax until then.
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