written: May 16th
Photo of the day:
So yeah, a year ago today, we brought home this adorable little
speckled pit bull. It’s been an interesting year. I love her quirks,
the way her tail and butt puff up when she’s excited. The way she tries
to protect us from the DVD player. She mostly walks well on the leash
now. She is still absurdly excited to see people, and she is still 100%
convinced that they are destined to be best friends.
We are supposed to get some storms later on in the week. I am really
fucking needing a good storm to flush out some of this aggression and
spirit restlessness. Summer will soon be upon me and I hate that I
don’t have anything FUN planned. I mean, I have my family reunion in
June. But given how I’m the polar opposite of 90% of my family
(meaning, 90% of my family fully endorse and support Trump…yeah, let
that one settle in). So needless to say, I’m not exactly looking
forward to hanging out with most of ‘em. ::chuckles:: It’s not like
they are truly BAD people, but I have a really difficult time respecting
people who feel like me as a non-Christian am not deserving of the same
rights and privileges as they have. It’s hard for me to respect people
who feel like me being a woman means I’m not deserving of the same
rights and privileges that males have. And I have a very hard time
respecting people touting “being good Christians” as a way to deny
anyone different from them from having the same rights and privileges
that they have enjoyed forever and a day. That’s not ok in my book.
And granted, I do have some warped morals and am very liberal on just
about everything. But that level of hate, even if they deny it as hate
(it’s HATE), just doesn’t fly in my book. You can hate individuals all
you want. I’m 100% ok with that. But the blanket hate? Yeah, that’s
no bueno in my book.
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