written: Jan 22
I don’t really even know why I bother listing the #cy365
photo challenge prompts when I don’t follow them 80% of the time.
::chuckles:: So from here on out (aka, for the rest of the year), I’ll
only list the prompt if I actually followed it.
Today was WINDY! Like, holy shit, Dorothy, was that a flying monkey I just saw
windy. Photo for today is our local little mockingbird who has
returned, looking all windblown. ::chuckles:: I know, it’s not the
greatest of pictures, but it was the best I could do from inside the
house, through two panes of glass, on a gray, gray, GRAY day.
I finished up the assignments due by today (two introductions and a
discussion question). Fairly easy stuff for the first week of class –
so grateful! I’m sure it will just get more challenging from here on
I actually got one of my pages completely done for my Working
Grimoire. Woohoo for me! I wrote up the Daily Affirmation page and it
is done and in my Grimoire Binder. Now I just need to do the rest of
the pages! HA!
I’m trying not to get too fancy with the pages. Even this one that I
did, I drew out and erased and redrew the lines TWICE because it wasn’t
quite right. I had to draw lines because the paper is unlined, but my
writing needs a line or else it curves all over the damn place.
::chuckles:: With the Grimoire, I’m having to walk this fine line
between Paralyzing Perfection (wanting everything to be perfect, and
thus never doing a damn thing) but also making sure that I’m not just
slapping some shit down and hoping for the best.
I really liked this quote from “The Modern Witchcraft Grimoire” by Skye Alexander:
“You’ll come to see that writing in your grimoire is a ritual in
itself – you’re creating a sacred tool that contains the chronicle of
the magick unfolding within you.” p. 27
You know, I had never thought of the Book of Shadows / Grimoire as a
sacred tool. I mean, I had thought of it as being sacred. But a sacred
tool? Akin to the athame, or wand, or deity representation? No, I
hadn’t thought of it that way. But what an awesome way to think of it.
This line of thought reasons that while it is sacred and should be
treated as such, it is also a TOOL and as such, should be USED! And I
really like that thought.
As of right now, I typically write down my impressions and thoughts
and the How-to of a ritual/spell right after I’ve completed it. I write
it on my white board, because it just flows so smoothly and I can erase
so very easily. It keeps up with my thoughts. Plus, I like the way my
handwriting looks on the white board. No matter how fast I have to
scribble to keep up, it’s still legible and decent looking. After that,
then I can transfer it over to paper, where I can flesh it out a bit
more. The white board is to catch the bare bones of everything…writing
it on paper or typing it up on my computer allows for more reflection
and thought and detail. Once that step is complete, then I transfer it,
handwritten, into my Grimoire itself.
And, thus far? It’s going pretty well.
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