written: Jan 17th
Today’s #cy365
photo prompt is “Bubbles”. I was planning to take a bubble bath and
take a photo of those bubbles…but Josey was actually letting me cuddle
with her, so here’s a photo of us being adorable.
We were hiding out in my room because The Husband had taken the day
off of work (because I HAVE the day off of work – got to love these
random “student holidays” the school district gives us – since when do
we get TWO days off for Martin Luther King, Jr day?) and he was in a
right foul mood. I nicknamed him The Ogre today because that’s how he’s
behaving. ::laughs::
He up and decided to completely rearrange the living room and
“dining” room area, and of course, nothing is going according to plan.
He’s pissed because it’s his day off, but he was woken up early because
of his boss texting him and then the internet guy showed up to finally
fix the ‘net for us, AND Josey threw up in his room….AND apparently his
allergies are horrible today. So yes, his grumpiness is high today, and
it’s justified, but that doesn’t mean I want to be anywhere near it.
Hence, me and Josey hiding out upstairs while The Ogre cusses and
grumbles downstairs. ::chuckles:: Poor guy.
But I did get my letter written to my new Pagan pen-pal. I just need to make a copy of the Tabula Rasa ritual article and then I can mail that out.
My Spring semester begins today for grad school. Hurray for INFO5292
(Preservation of Library Materials) and INFO 5303 (Financial &
Human Resources Management in Information Agencies). Not that thrilled
about the management class, but it is something I need to learn more
about, hence why I’m taking it. I am excited about the Preservation
class – because I am interested in working in archiving. I’ll need that
knowledge base if I am to do my journal/diary/sketchbook repository
sometime in the future. ::smiles::
Love having the internet back. I did some researching on the Sweetening
Spell. It is of Hoodoo origin and there are so many different
variations out there. I’m crafting some of the various suggestions
together to come up with my own version. I’ve got the supplies and
everything ready to go. I just need to DO it. And do it soon. The
Boss is supposed to come out to campus tomorrow, so I need that good
mojo flowing sooner rather than later.
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