Sunday, January 1, 2017

Smudging, Friends, And 2017

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First day of a brand new year. It has a certain magic to it, I swear. I love the first day of the new year because everyone is so full of hope and possibility. Love it.

I elected to smudge down the entire house for the new year. I had forgotten just how smoky and pungent sage is. But once all of that aired out, the house certainly does feel lighter. I still need to go back over the house and smudge with sweetgrass. Sage banishes the bad, sweetgrass welcomes in the good. It’s just time consuming (not to mention ENERGY consuming) to smudge down a house, top to bottom, front to back. So yeah, sweetgrass tomorrow.

David had to work today so I had the whole day to myself. I did brunch with Liz and Julie at their new house. When Liz, Julie, and I all lived together, Julie used to cook Sunday Dinners to feed the masses. That’s part of the reason David and I even got together in the first place. It was nice to get to enjoy a big meal with them. Would have been better if David could have been there, like old times. But hopefully we can get that set up soon, one weekend (because David gets home so late in the evenings, and Liz and Julie have young kids). I really should make it more of a point to be more social with my friends. ::chuckles::

Anyways, back to today being January 1st. This is also a National Journal Writing Month (NaJoWriMo), so I’m shooting for the writing every day AND the 15,000 word goal for the month – breaks down to roughly 500 words a day. I’m also doing the #cy365 challenge. Though, to be honest, I may not necessarily follow all their prompts for the entire year. But I am striving for at least One Good Photo a day – and the prompts give me nudges to find something new and different to photograph each day. And I’ve found a daily Tarot Challenge as well for January. Just like I did back in October, the daily draws of the Tarot will be documented in my handwritten journal.

I also need to finish up the last little bits in the two journals I have that are a part of two different journal swaps. Luckily I still have a few days off before I have to go back to work. I foresee a lot of journaling and reading and relaxing until I have to go back to work. I actually miss my students, which is exactly what the Winter Break should do. I miss my students and am ready to jump back into the fray.

I’m finding that talking to other people about my Big Career Plans makes me more excited about them. Granted, I’m talking Top of the Top Big Career Plans here, but it gives me something to shoot for. Like the quote says “Shoot for the Moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars” by Les Brown. I guess I should break down and actually make a 5-year and 10-year plan. It would be interesting to see where I am in 5 years as compared to where I am right now.

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