I wish I could be completely out of the broom closet on this…I wish I could be completely open about my faith. I wish my faith was accepted as freely as Christianity in this nation. But given the current political climate, I do not see that happening any time soon. ::sighs::
My dreams have been very vivid as of late. I am not sure what has triggered that, but it is interesting. Speaking with angels and deities that normally I would avoid like the plague. Not that they are evil or anything. They are just not types that I would ever interact with. I normally avoid angels because they are too Christian and too humanoid for my tastes. And Kali-Ma? Just not a deity that ever peaked my interest. Which I’m still not overly sure how Kali ties in, because it was just the name I used. The idol was definitely not her in my dream. I really should get back into the habit of writing down my dreams.
The following is a post I made on Facebook today. I’m actually rather pleased with my thought process on this one and wanted to document it here in my blog:
I’ve seen this meme floating around and have really been thinking about it. How angry it made me and how best to voice my anger and dismay in a clear and concise way.
But the more I thought about it....the more I agree with it. Which is crazy, because I am so pro-CHOICE.
But I agree with this meme….just not in a way that the Pro-Lifers are going to like.
Yes, I should be able to make my choice BEFORE a child is conceived.
So why are Pro-Lifers trying to defund Planned Parenthood? They give out sexual FACTS and ways of planning families BEFORE abortion is even on the table. They give low-to-no cost contraceptives to aid people in having CONTROL over their family planning, if that’s what is needed. Note: birth control pills are used for a WIDE array of health issues, not just keeping a woman from conceiving. Educate yourself already!
So yeah, this meme doesn’t anger me anymore. If anything, we (meaning Pro-Choicers) should adopt it and use it. Because women SHOULD be allowed to make any and all choices regarding their bodies BEFORE they even have to consider abortion.
And, should they want/NEED (because sometimes, it IS a medical need) to abort the fetus they are carrying? That is their fucking right as well. Get your damn nose out of other people’s business!
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