#cy365 prompt is “Get in the Picture”:
Josey looked so content, napping in the sunshine, so I decided to join her.
You know? Laying on the floor isn’t NEARLY as comfortable as it used to be!
The Full Wolf Moon is swiftly approaching. I will be cleaning, cleansing, blessing, and rededicating my various wolf items and will be renewing my bond with my spirit wolf who watches over and protects my dreams. I hope the dark blue altar cloth arrives a day early so I can use it for this ritual. I just hate it when inspiration strikes, but there may not be enough time to pull it off! Like seriously, it would have been nice if the inspiration for a dark blue altar cloth had hit a week prior…that way I could be sure it would be here in time.
I will also be trying out a Circle Casting I found online. My current Circle Casting is pretty weak and something I’m rather uninspired about, but that I know would make my Practice so much more meaningful if I were better at it. I mean, the Circle Casting is the start of the ritual and if it’s a shitty start, it’s pretty difficult to overcome it. SO. With that all said and done, one my personal goals relating to my Path this year is to have a consistent way of Casting Circle. Hence why I plan to use this prewritten one for a while before tweaking it to make it more personally relevant to my Path. I have a feeling that this is going to be one of those “Back to the Basics” year. Once I get a solid foundation built, I know my Spirituality will become even stronger and deeper.
I kind of got a wild hair up my ass and did some MAJOR “settling” work in my room. My desktop computer is FINALLY up and running (only took me, what…9 months?). this also means I can get the photos off my good camera once again! And holy hell, some of those photos are STELLAR! I had forgotten how good that camera is. Might have to start using it some for the 365 photo challenge as well. Don’t get me wrong, my phone does a very good job. But my Nikon? AMAZING.
I also cleaned out and organized about half of my massive closet. I have a shit ton of papers that I need to take to work and shred. I have a shit ton of stuff to toss (recycle what I can, throw away the rest). I also cleaned off the “art table” which really, had just become a dumping ground for EVERYTHING. I hope to continue the decluttering, by setting the goal of just going through one box in my closet. That’s how the massive decluttering that happened earlier today started….just one box. Because, if I say I need to work on the entire closet, that is so fucking overwhelming that I just avoid it and nothing ever gets done. But instead, just one box, gets me in there and soon I’m going way beyond the one box. ::chuckles:: Sucks that I have to trick myself like this, but I am glad I’ve finally figured it out!
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