Final day of January’s #cy365 AND the last day of this round of the National Journal Writing Month Challenge (NaJoWriMo).
So, today’s photo:

Not the greatest, but Josey was somewhat cuddling in that moment, so it’s more about the emotion than photography quality here.
And it’s the final day of the NaJoWritMo. My goal for this month was to write every day (which I have) and to hit the 15,000 word mark, and not counting this entry, I’m already 900 words OVER that mark. Honestly, I have to say that this has been the easiest and most enjoyable NaJoWritMo round to date.
Next month is the Month of Letters challenge. I’ve already got a few lined up for that, so I’m excited.
And today I actually got most of my Imbolc altar laid out. I’m still not 100% enthused about Imbolc, but I figure that’s because I don’t know a whole lot about this particular Sabbat. It’s one of those Sabbats that doesn’t mean a whole lot to me. It’s supposed to be the BEGINNING of the re-awakening of Spring…and yet here in Texas? We really haven’t even had Winter…and we’ve already had a number of days at 70+ degree weather. So how does that really jive with being the first START of Spring?
Looking into more, I see that it’s a day to celebrate creativity. Dianic Wiccans see this as a special day for initiations. Maybe I should blend the two ideas here and use it as a day to bless my working Grimoire. I kind of like that idea. And I plan to do the blessing as well, that I wrote about back on January 25th.
Ok, I’m tired so I’m officially calling this.
Grand total of words written this month = 16,140.
So, today’s photo:
Not the greatest, but Josey was somewhat cuddling in that moment, so it’s more about the emotion than photography quality here.
And it’s the final day of the NaJoWritMo. My goal for this month was to write every day (which I have) and to hit the 15,000 word mark, and not counting this entry, I’m already 900 words OVER that mark. Honestly, I have to say that this has been the easiest and most enjoyable NaJoWritMo round to date.
Next month is the Month of Letters challenge. I’ve already got a few lined up for that, so I’m excited.
And today I actually got most of my Imbolc altar laid out. I’m still not 100% enthused about Imbolc, but I figure that’s because I don’t know a whole lot about this particular Sabbat. It’s one of those Sabbats that doesn’t mean a whole lot to me. It’s supposed to be the BEGINNING of the re-awakening of Spring…and yet here in Texas? We really haven’t even had Winter…and we’ve already had a number of days at 70+ degree weather. So how does that really jive with being the first START of Spring?
Looking into more, I see that it’s a day to celebrate creativity. Dianic Wiccans see this as a special day for initiations. Maybe I should blend the two ideas here and use it as a day to bless my working Grimoire. I kind of like that idea. And I plan to do the blessing as well, that I wrote about back on January 25th.
Ok, I’m tired so I’m officially calling this.
Grand total of words written this month = 16,140.