“Ignoring your passion is slow suicide. Never ignore what your heart pumps for. Mold your career around your lifestyle, not your lifestyle around your career.”
This is a beautiful quote I round today dicking around on Facebook, and it just resonated with me on all levels. This is what I am working towards. While I do not believe that being a librarian is my passion (but who knows? maybe it is, but I just haven’t tried it out yet.), but it is enjoyable and will pay better – to fund my real passions in life.
I want to travel – to see all the spectacular wildlife in its natural habitats that I possibly call. I want to set food on all seven continents in the world. I want to hone my photography skills – to take it beyond the simple raw talent I currently posses, and turn it into something even better. I want to learn how to properly work with venomous snakes – regardless if I ever decided to actually own any personally.
So getting this Master’s degree is my first aggressive step towards my passions. I should really make a list of things I want to accomplish in the next 5 years…and then a list of things to accomplish in the next 10 years. I should post them somewhere I can see them everyday and remind myself what I am doing all this craziness for. I know me – I will need the motivation from time to time, when the going gets rough.
I want a house of our very own. I am so beyond over apartment living. For all my Gypsy wandering, I do want and need a home base. If nothing else, I need somewhere to house and show off all the neat things I get on all my awesome travels! ::laughs:: And there is something to be said about sleeping in one’s own bed. Besides, if nothing else, I need a place to stash my various journals and photo-books. The digital age is nice, but nothing beats having the book or journal in your hands, and being able to physically thumb through it.
This does bring up a topic that all of us who keep physical journals wrestle with – what will I do about my journals upon my death? I don’t have any children to leave them to – WON’T have any either, so that’s not even an option. And my Lil Nephew? I’m sure my very Christian Bro and Sis-in-Law would not want him reading all of my decidedly non-Christian (some could probably even be called anti-Christian) beliefs and thoughts. I guess in the end, I hope that I am lucky enough to know when my life will be drawing to a close and that mentally, I’m still there. If so, then I will have a lovely little bonfire. i would scan and save my best pages online – but then burn everything. Maybe even make s’mores while the pages all burn.
But if I am not able to do so, I do hope whomever inherits my belongings upon my death, will honor my request to destroy my journals. I don’t care if they read the journals – I won’t be around to deal with any potential fall out. ::laughs:: I’ll add in my Will about my journals – that whomever elects to read them, then they will have to deal with how they feel about anything I have written. They are my words, my thoughts, my emotions – I own those. But I would hope my words wouldn’t harm those I leave behind.
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