Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Days off & Day Dreams

Another day of no work for the Tech Job -- I have not worked a single day yet this week.  And while I do enjoy the down-time, I do better overall if I have some sort of work to do.

But it seems like this is a good week for me to be off of work.  Holly (Ole Lady Dog) and I have enjoyed some very nice walks.  And given that the hobos haven't been in the woods when I walked Holly, we could actually go in and enjoy my two little wooded trails.  And I struck feather gold this week -- four good blue jay tail feathers.  I just love these.  I have added them to my vast collection in my shot glass on my working altar.

I just love my woods.  The sheer amount and wide variety of bird songs...and the cicada songs are damn near deafening.  It simply brings such peace to me while making my heart just soar. Hopefully whenever we get a home, it will have a nice backyard and/or near a similar greenbelt or wooded trail area.  Though to be honest, I will be far less forgiving and tolerant of hobos living in those areas if I had a permanent residence there.  I am more forgiving for my current hobos because I live in an apartment complex.  There are residents constantly coming and going, so I am not too worried about the hobos being tempted to break in, nor bother me within the apartment complex. 

Oh to have a backyard of my own -- truly my own slice of nature.  I can plant the flowers I want.  I can hang hummingbird feeders and bird feeders -- the apartment complex forbids them here.  I can set up an outside altar -- a place to make offerings to the divine and to nature -- a place to simply revere a beautiful moonrise.  And, after enjoying the Robinsons' pool while I was house-sitting for them back in June, I am not completely opposed to having a pool as well.

I would also love to be able to paint the walls as I wish inside my home.  I would paint my bedroom a very pale silvery lavender -- a very serene color.  I could get David to help me build a dedicated journaling/art area.  I could finally make a NICE herpetarium habitat for Leviathan.  I have it all planned out in my head and it is just gorgeous.  Beautiful and natural looking enough to make a zoo jealous!  ::laughs::

I would like to get one or two more non-venomous snakes.  I would get a Woma python -- I have loved those guys for a long time now.  The other I am still up in the air about.  Maybe a leucistic Texas rat-snake -- that beautiful snow white color teamed up with dark blue eyes is very eye catching.  I also like the Sinaloan Milk Snakes -- those broad bands of red are again, very eye catching.  I don't have any desire for the large non-venomous snakes -- no anacondas, Columbian red-tailed boas, African rock pythons, reticulated pythons or the like.  Essentially, nothing I would have to feed rabbits, Guinea pigs, or larger prey items to.  Those big snakes are just too high maintenance more me.  Leviathan (my female lavender corn snake) is extremely low maintenance and I just love that.  She is such an amazing little serpent.  I definitely could not have asked for a better starter snake.  I am completely hooked on them now.

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