- black and white altar cloth (the standard I use for any of the Moon/Esbat rituals…to me it symbolizes all aspects of the ever changing moon from full white to new black).
- Sekhmet statue (because She is always present in any of my rituals), accompanied by Her garnet chip necklace looped around the base of the statue plus Her carnelian heart, large tumbled garnet, and lion’s claw.
- Her red candle
- silver version of the sun candle holder/vase (gift from my sister-in-law) holding my two newest feathers
- mason jar with the War Water I’m making for the Harpies
- white candle for the Moon
- Selenite sphere (symbolizes the Moon)
- my Drum and drum beater that I made in May
- incense holder and Antique Sandalwood incense (and damn is that stuff strong)
I really like how this altar turned out. The red wasn’t planned on, but developed as I added the things I needed/wanted to the altar. I like how it draws the eye across the altar.
Typically, I don’t invoke any deity for Full Moon rituals (also called Esbats). For me, the Full Moon is a time to just sit back and enjoy the beauty and splendor of the natural world. Very few things are as calming and breath-taking as a full moon rising. I long for a house where I can sit, light some incense, and drink a glass of wine while watching the full moon rise.
So, while I don’t necessarily invoke a deity or spirit for the Esbat, I do talk to them as needed. I lit Sekhmet’s candle and gave Her a spiritual nod, but didn’t call Her down to attend the ritual itself. I left the invitation open-ended. If She wanted to watch or participate, She was more than welcome, but I didn’t require Her for anything in the actual ritual.
I also gave a spiritual nod to the Harpies, as I smudged the War Water jar down (smudging is where you waft the incense smoke over an item…it clears the item of any energies it may be holding and allows you to purposely charge it with an intention). The War Water isn’t being made with anything specifically in mind, other than the Harpies want it. Generally War Water is considered a hex, as you can use it to banish people and entities. But for now, it’s simply something the Harpies have requested I make. I’m sure I’ll dab some of the War Water on their thorny perch (what I’m calling the rod/wand they had me cut from a Black Locust tree).
Mostly, this full moon ritual was just me smudging down all the items on the altar and claiming them as my own. Charging them with the purpose of being used in my magickal and spiritual rituals and ceremonies. I cleared them of any energies they may have picked up from other people in their travels to me. I also offer incense to all of the Sekhmet statues I have plus the portrait I have of Her. And then, because the incense was so strong, I took it out on the balcony to finish burning out there.
The whole thing took less than 20 minutes, but I’m not big on the huge, drawn out ceremonies. I did what I needed to do and there wasn’t really any reason to draw it out further. Short, sweet, and to the point. ::smiles::
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