Thursday, July 2, 2015

Moons, Altars, and To-Do

Today is the Full Buck/Hay/Stag/Storm Moon.  I'm sure I'm missing some of the other names.  Each full moon has a ton of names, depending on the location in the world and what is going on at that time of the year.  I really should work out what names resonate the best with me and my location.  I say that all the time, but never actually get around to it.  Maybe I should make that a goal for this month.

Anyways, back to July's Full Moon.  I need to set up an altar for it.  My altar is still set up for Litha (the Summer Solstice from June 21st).  I never did get a photo of that altar -- which is a shame because I really liked how it turned out.  I should get some more of the yellow flowers from my wooded trail (it's the only thing the Litha altar is currently missing) and take a quick picture, and then set up for the Full Moon.

I should put together an "Altar Binder" of some sort.  I would include the photo of the altar, what it is celebrating/honoring, and a write up of what is on the altar and why.  Then I could use that as inspiration and information for future altars.  That way I can keep up with the various altar ideas throughout the year that I come across.  I would use a binder so I could keep all the altars together.  Like all the Litha altars, or Samhain altars, or the various Esbat (Full Moon) altars.  And I could add in various inspirations I find from what other people do with their altars as well.  Sounds like another fun project for the summer.  If nothing else, I should be able to get all the altars done for this year.  After that, I could take my time adding in previous years' altars.

So anyways, back (again) to today's Full Moon!  I'm not even sure what the correspondences for this particular full moon are -- which honestly, now that I think about it, is a good thing.  I feel I am getting too hung up on what other people say.  Instead, I should focus on what I need or want to do.

I want to bless and awaken my drum.  I'm hoping to learn its name after I have officially woke it up.  I also need to bless the war water I am making for the Harpies.  Plus I guess I could bless their altar/wand/rod thing.  I wish they would name the damn thing already and let me know what they want done with it.

I should probably go ahead and bless my new feathers as well.  I also need to get good photos of them (plus the rest of my feather collection while I'm at it) and document the type of feather they are.  Because I am a complete and utter dork that way.  ::laughs::

I could also bless and charge the new money bills I have in my Polar Bear box.  I know there are quite a few I haven't marked with the money rune or the vetiver oil (it's a wealth attracting oil).  And then I'll need to pull out what I plan to deposit into my actual savings account.  I keep $1000 in the box, to help attract more money towards my trip, but the rest need to be in the bank for safe keeping!

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