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Getting ready for LetterMo next month. Notes and addresses of LetterMo friends that I’ll be writing letters to.
I have currently have 33 friends in LetterMo. Some are ones that I’ve been writing since last year, but a number are new. I’ll have to work hard to get them all written but that’s the plan and the goal. Plus I have my new witchy pen pal as well.
I got my oil order yesterday. I snagged a bottle of 3 perfume oil from Sage Goddess, and got a free bottle of Earth Star perfume as well. And I LOVE them both! So rare for me! ::laughs:: But man, they smell absolutely amazing. Hell, I’m half way tempted to purchase a second bottle of the 3 Perfume because it smells that amazing! ::chuckles:: If there are still bottles left when I get my paycheck, I may just buy a back-up bottle.
Yoga today was good. The time flew and the poses were just challenging enough. My brain and breathing were all over the place – nothing steady or calm about either. But I was able to stick with the bulk of the session, so that’s a win.
I have one final Year Ahead tarot reading to do and then I can consider that done. ::smiles:: And I plan to work on my home protection charms since I have all my supplies here. So expect a photo or two of that. While I’m waiting for Leida’s journal to arrive, I can do some work in my Witch’s Journal. I want to get that all up-to-date.
I also need to do a video for the Hearth Facebook group. I keep raving about the Jade Oracle deck, but I’m the only one that has one. So the people in the group have been asking for a video to show what the artwork looks like and how the cards read. I should have done that during the week, while David was out of the house, but maybe I can get it done this weekend instead. We’ll see. ::chuckles::
I already did an assignment for my Practicum class. I popped over to the class website, even though nothing should be open until Monday, so imagine my surprise when I saw the Practicum course was open and that I had an assignment due on the 18th. It’s just a quick survey to let the professor know where we are doing our Practicum hours and to give him all the contact info for our Practicum Supervisors at the library. So I’m proud of myself to have already done and submitted my first assignment before the semester even begins! ::laughs:: Hopefully, this will set the tone for the entire semester, and I can wrap things up swiftly and focus on learning as much as I possibly can at the F. Library while also having as much fun as possible.
My brother is headed to our hometown this weekend. I was tempted to ask if I could tag along, but opted not to. I want to hunt the feral pigs we have out there, and he’s going to hunt deer as it’s the last day of deer season. And honestly, the last thing I would want to do it spook off a good buck because I wanted to go on my first pig hunt. ::chuckles:: Maybe after I graduate, we can find a weekend or two that work for us and we could possibly go pig hunting. Mom sent me this photo today saying she hopes Logan or his friend that he’s bringing down, kill off this beast:
That is a HUGE fucking boar (male feral pig). Mom sent a second photo of a “from behind shot” of the piggy and he is VERY male. ::laughs:: She titled the email “Big Cajonies (ka-ho-nees)” which is Spanish slang for huge testicles. ::laughs::
But seriously, I could fucking ride this pig if we could just get a muzzle on it so it doesn’t slash me to death and then eat me. THIS is why I won’t camp out on my Mom’s land. We’ve got a good 20 or so full adults around this size. And then there’s the 1 – 2 year olds (about 20 of those), and god knows how many piglets. Just hell to the no on those damn animals.
Getting ready for LetterMo next month. Notes and addresses of LetterMo friends that I’ll be writing letters to.
I have currently have 33 friends in LetterMo. Some are ones that I’ve been writing since last year, but a number are new. I’ll have to work hard to get them all written but that’s the plan and the goal. Plus I have my new witchy pen pal as well.
I got my oil order yesterday. I snagged a bottle of 3 perfume oil from Sage Goddess, and got a free bottle of Earth Star perfume as well. And I LOVE them both! So rare for me! ::laughs:: But man, they smell absolutely amazing. Hell, I’m half way tempted to purchase a second bottle of the 3 Perfume because it smells that amazing! ::chuckles:: If there are still bottles left when I get my paycheck, I may just buy a back-up bottle.
Yoga today was good. The time flew and the poses were just challenging enough. My brain and breathing were all over the place – nothing steady or calm about either. But I was able to stick with the bulk of the session, so that’s a win.
I have one final Year Ahead tarot reading to do and then I can consider that done. ::smiles:: And I plan to work on my home protection charms since I have all my supplies here. So expect a photo or two of that. While I’m waiting for Leida’s journal to arrive, I can do some work in my Witch’s Journal. I want to get that all up-to-date.
I also need to do a video for the Hearth Facebook group. I keep raving about the Jade Oracle deck, but I’m the only one that has one. So the people in the group have been asking for a video to show what the artwork looks like and how the cards read. I should have done that during the week, while David was out of the house, but maybe I can get it done this weekend instead. We’ll see. ::chuckles::
I already did an assignment for my Practicum class. I popped over to the class website, even though nothing should be open until Monday, so imagine my surprise when I saw the Practicum course was open and that I had an assignment due on the 18th. It’s just a quick survey to let the professor know where we are doing our Practicum hours and to give him all the contact info for our Practicum Supervisors at the library. So I’m proud of myself to have already done and submitted my first assignment before the semester even begins! ::laughs:: Hopefully, this will set the tone for the entire semester, and I can wrap things up swiftly and focus on learning as much as I possibly can at the F. Library while also having as much fun as possible.
My brother is headed to our hometown this weekend. I was tempted to ask if I could tag along, but opted not to. I want to hunt the feral pigs we have out there, and he’s going to hunt deer as it’s the last day of deer season. And honestly, the last thing I would want to do it spook off a good buck because I wanted to go on my first pig hunt. ::chuckles:: Maybe after I graduate, we can find a weekend or two that work for us and we could possibly go pig hunting. Mom sent me this photo today saying she hopes Logan or his friend that he’s bringing down, kill off this beast:
That is a HUGE fucking boar (male feral pig). Mom sent a second photo of a “from behind shot” of the piggy and he is VERY male. ::laughs:: She titled the email “Big Cajonies (ka-ho-nees)” which is Spanish slang for huge testicles. ::laughs::
But seriously, I could fucking ride this pig if we could just get a muzzle on it so it doesn’t slash me to death and then eat me. THIS is why I won’t camp out on my Mom’s land. We’ve got a good 20 or so full adults around this size. And then there’s the 1 – 2 year olds (about 20 of those), and god knows how many piglets. Just hell to the no on those damn animals.
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