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Nothing like a cuddly, sleepy pit bull and her security bone (like a security blanket) in your lap.
So today, I worked an afternoon/evening shift at the F. Library. It was interesting, boring, and chaotic at various points in the 5 hours I was there. And I know for sure that I do NOT want to work with the young children section. ::chuckles:: But I do want to check out the STEM, Diversity, and Storytime-in-a-bag Backpacks they have in the Library. I think those would be amazing sets to implement in the after school program if possible. Once I get some hands on time with the backpacks and figure out how they could work in the after school program, I’ll pitch the idea to my boss. Who knows? Maybe the after school program could get a grant to cover the costs of implementing these for our reading time.
I was so exhausted by the time I got back home. I was using my brain so much to learn so many new things and I was utterly bushed by 10 pm. ::chuckles:: Which is EARLY for me. But all in all, really good time and it was nice to see how different things are in the evenings as opposed to the afternoons.
I still need to come up with some Practicum Goals. ::sighs:: Not overly thrilled about that. I understand the WHY, I just don’t want to do it. ::chuckles::
I do need to pick up some more cardigans. Hopefully I can find ones with pockets. I hate this not having ANY pockets at all. Maybe I can learn to sew, and add in pockets to my work pants. I seriously friggin’ hate how women’s clothing doesn’t give us pockets. Or if it does, they are some pathetic tiny little pockets. So stupid. Like, why can’t I have normal sized pockets in all my pants?????
Mum convinced me to try a dress on when we were shopping a few weeks ago. The only dresses I've ever worn are bridesmaids ones so it's safe to say they definitely aren't my thing... but I ended up buying it because IT HAD POCKETS.