Photo 281/1001

Hazel gifted me a brand new yoga mat! I am beyond humbled in her generosity. I hung out with her today for a few hours and did her year ahead reading. I’m just happy to finally give her a positive reading! ::laughs:: All her previous readings were about major challenges and trials and upheavals. It was just nice to see all that work and trial by fire she’s been going through for the past two years or so is finally paying off. This year looks to be a very good, very positive year for her.
I was telling her about how much better I am doing. Honestly, Pristiq has been a true life-saver (it’s an anti-depressant). I’m actually able to do basic self-care so much more regularly now. Honestly, before Pristiq, it wasn’t shocking to me if I only brushed my teeth once a week or washed my face (besides what gets washed in the shower) once or twice a month. It was bad. But now? I’m not quite up to doing it every day, but I am so damn close to it. Like, I actually look forward to it. It’s such a drastic change for me.
Before Pristiq, I would have quit the yoga challenge before completing the first day, because sitting correctly makes my back ache. There’s no way I would have gone beyond that. But instead, I find myself relishing the challenge and looking forward to the progress I’m making. Is this how life is for “normal” people? Showering isn’t a chore? Brushing your teeth isn’t something you do once or twice a month? You actually don’t have a problem flossing and brushing your teeth AND washing and moisturizing your face EVERY night? Like my face looks so good just from regular cleaning and moisturizing. Like, I pause every time I catch my reflection in the mirror because I look so drastically different.
I’m also cutting back on my hot chocolate consumption. ::laughs:: I was drinking many cups of it every day. So now, I’ve limited myself to just one in the morning. After that, I have water, gatoraid, and then tea in the evening (a non-caffeine tea). We’ll see how well I stick to this once the school year starts up. I want to cut back the frappucinos. I definitely don’t want to be drinking one of those a day. One of my students gave me a Yeti cup with my initial monogrammed on it. I am thinking of brewing a hot tea in it before going to work, and have that to drink throughout my shift. Especially if I brew the non-caffeine tea, though I do have an energy tea that I could use on the days I feel like I’m dragging ass a bit. But yeah, I would like to cut that habit way down. Especially since I’ll be paying money towards the damn toll roads this semester, so I need to cut down my spending in other areas.
It’s strange not having periods anymore, but still going through the hormones. Like, I’m devouring everything in sight and just feel ravenously hungry all day long. It just hit me that this is probably PMS week for me. ::chuckles:: Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE not having to deal with a period any more…especially the complete shit-show my periods were. But it’s so weird to suddenly realize “oh, yeah, that thing I used to do must be cycling back around.” Explains why my dreams have been so vivid and weird and violent (but not in a scary way? Like me being a raging BAD ASS and killing all sorts of bad guys) the past two night. ::chuckles:: Rage on little ovaries. Rage on.

Hazel gifted me a brand new yoga mat! I am beyond humbled in her generosity. I hung out with her today for a few hours and did her year ahead reading. I’m just happy to finally give her a positive reading! ::laughs:: All her previous readings were about major challenges and trials and upheavals. It was just nice to see all that work and trial by fire she’s been going through for the past two years or so is finally paying off. This year looks to be a very good, very positive year for her.
I was telling her about how much better I am doing. Honestly, Pristiq has been a true life-saver (it’s an anti-depressant). I’m actually able to do basic self-care so much more regularly now. Honestly, before Pristiq, it wasn’t shocking to me if I only brushed my teeth once a week or washed my face (besides what gets washed in the shower) once or twice a month. It was bad. But now? I’m not quite up to doing it every day, but I am so damn close to it. Like, I actually look forward to it. It’s such a drastic change for me.
Before Pristiq, I would have quit the yoga challenge before completing the first day, because sitting correctly makes my back ache. There’s no way I would have gone beyond that. But instead, I find myself relishing the challenge and looking forward to the progress I’m making. Is this how life is for “normal” people? Showering isn’t a chore? Brushing your teeth isn’t something you do once or twice a month? You actually don’t have a problem flossing and brushing your teeth AND washing and moisturizing your face EVERY night? Like my face looks so good just from regular cleaning and moisturizing. Like, I pause every time I catch my reflection in the mirror because I look so drastically different.
I’m also cutting back on my hot chocolate consumption. ::laughs:: I was drinking many cups of it every day. So now, I’ve limited myself to just one in the morning. After that, I have water, gatoraid, and then tea in the evening (a non-caffeine tea). We’ll see how well I stick to this once the school year starts up. I want to cut back the frappucinos. I definitely don’t want to be drinking one of those a day. One of my students gave me a Yeti cup with my initial monogrammed on it. I am thinking of brewing a hot tea in it before going to work, and have that to drink throughout my shift. Especially if I brew the non-caffeine tea, though I do have an energy tea that I could use on the days I feel like I’m dragging ass a bit. But yeah, I would like to cut that habit way down. Especially since I’ll be paying money towards the damn toll roads this semester, so I need to cut down my spending in other areas.
It’s strange not having periods anymore, but still going through the hormones. Like, I’m devouring everything in sight and just feel ravenously hungry all day long. It just hit me that this is probably PMS week for me. ::chuckles:: Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE not having to deal with a period any more…especially the complete shit-show my periods were. But it’s so weird to suddenly realize “oh, yeah, that thing I used to do must be cycling back around.” Explains why my dreams have been so vivid and weird and violent (but not in a scary way? Like me being a raging BAD ASS and killing all sorts of bad guys) the past two night. ::chuckles:: Rage on little ovaries. Rage on.
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