Photo 296/1001

Beautiful full moon. Even though I may not feel any direct spiritual connection to it, I can still deeply appreciate the beauty and the calm it brings.
Like Annie so wisely pointed out on my previous entry, this may be a time for me to focus more on my own internal strength and spirituality and wisdom. And I’m ok with that. I figure the deity aspect will return when I start working with the coven. And even then, if it doesn’t, that’s fine. I’ll circle back to deity at some point. I just know it in my bones. It’s just that right now, I need to learn to walk on my own. A witch should never be afraid to walk alone. And honestly, the power comes from within. Sure deity and spirits lend aid, but in the end, either the witch has power or the witch is just a wannabe.
So, I think for now, I’m just going to hit pause on rituals and what not. If I’m moved to do a ritual, then by all means, I will. But I’m not going to just because it’s a full moon, or it’s a sabbat. Which honestly, I had decided not to observe the sabbats this year anyways, so that’s a moot point. It also means I’m suspending my daily incense offerings as well. I may still light incense and sit outside and enjoy the natural world, but no deity will be invoked, unless I am moved to do so.
I just finished up watching The Ritual on Netflix. Not too shabby, but very campy. And, never thought I would say this, but the book is so much better. Hell, I kind of want to reread the book again now.
Stomach virus from hell today kept me home. So I wasn’t able to go to the F. Library. I figured the best thing was for me NOT to infect all of them. ::chuckles:: And now, of course, I have a headache trying to kick off. ::sighs:: I’m really getting so very, very tired of this shit. So yeah, no yoga either. I tried, even after the stomach bug had passed, but I had zero energy to do anything more than Cat Pose and Cow pose at the very beginning of the session. I just laid down on my mat and rested instead.
I wrote up a generic intro letter for this coming round of the Month of Letters challenge. I’m rather excited to kick that off soon. I’m kicking around a few ideas for a Bullet Journal layout to track the letters. Though I did see a “visitors register” book at Office Depot that I seriously wanted, but there is no way I could justify $40 goddamn dollars on it. I’ll probably just make my own version of it in Excel. Then print it out and glue it into my BaBuJo – just like I do for my bill tracker. Or I may just dedicate a binder just for my pen pal tracking, so it doesn’t eat up all the space in my BaBuJo. Honestly, now that I think about it, I could make a blank calendar grid as well and just add in the dates to reflect the particular month so that I don’t have to draw it over and over and over again. Hell, I don’t even know why I put a calendar in there – the only thing I use it for is to track how many words I journal each day.
I guess it’s like anything else in life. You get into the habit and you just do it, day in and day out, even though it no longer serves a purpose. Guess next month, I’ll forego the calendar grid and instead just make a journal tracker like I do for my daily photo tracker and see how I feel about it. That’s certainly easier to set up than doing a full calendar grid.

Beautiful full moon. Even though I may not feel any direct spiritual connection to it, I can still deeply appreciate the beauty and the calm it brings.
Like Annie so wisely pointed out on my previous entry, this may be a time for me to focus more on my own internal strength and spirituality and wisdom. And I’m ok with that. I figure the deity aspect will return when I start working with the coven. And even then, if it doesn’t, that’s fine. I’ll circle back to deity at some point. I just know it in my bones. It’s just that right now, I need to learn to walk on my own. A witch should never be afraid to walk alone. And honestly, the power comes from within. Sure deity and spirits lend aid, but in the end, either the witch has power or the witch is just a wannabe.
So, I think for now, I’m just going to hit pause on rituals and what not. If I’m moved to do a ritual, then by all means, I will. But I’m not going to just because it’s a full moon, or it’s a sabbat. Which honestly, I had decided not to observe the sabbats this year anyways, so that’s a moot point. It also means I’m suspending my daily incense offerings as well. I may still light incense and sit outside and enjoy the natural world, but no deity will be invoked, unless I am moved to do so.
I just finished up watching The Ritual on Netflix. Not too shabby, but very campy. And, never thought I would say this, but the book is so much better. Hell, I kind of want to reread the book again now.
Stomach virus from hell today kept me home. So I wasn’t able to go to the F. Library. I figured the best thing was for me NOT to infect all of them. ::chuckles:: And now, of course, I have a headache trying to kick off. ::sighs:: I’m really getting so very, very tired of this shit. So yeah, no yoga either. I tried, even after the stomach bug had passed, but I had zero energy to do anything more than Cat Pose and Cow pose at the very beginning of the session. I just laid down on my mat and rested instead.
I wrote up a generic intro letter for this coming round of the Month of Letters challenge. I’m rather excited to kick that off soon. I’m kicking around a few ideas for a Bullet Journal layout to track the letters. Though I did see a “visitors register” book at Office Depot that I seriously wanted, but there is no way I could justify $40 goddamn dollars on it. I’ll probably just make my own version of it in Excel. Then print it out and glue it into my BaBuJo – just like I do for my bill tracker. Or I may just dedicate a binder just for my pen pal tracking, so it doesn’t eat up all the space in my BaBuJo. Honestly, now that I think about it, I could make a blank calendar grid as well and just add in the dates to reflect the particular month so that I don’t have to draw it over and over and over again. Hell, I don’t even know why I put a calendar in there – the only thing I use it for is to track how many words I journal each day.
I guess it’s like anything else in life. You get into the habit and you just do it, day in and day out, even though it no longer serves a purpose. Guess next month, I’ll forego the calendar grid and instead just make a journal tracker like I do for my daily photo tracker and see how I feel about it. That’s certainly easier to set up than doing a full calendar grid.
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