Today was a happy mail day!

My book AND the Wolf perfume by Sage Goddess both arrived today!
Brigid is a goddess that has been popping up randomly over the past few months. And then Aesa (former coven mate) posted a photo of one of the pages with this beautiful quote on it that really grabbed my soul. Upon inquiring what book it came out of because I really wanted to read more…this is the book she told me. ::laughs:: You could have knocked me over with a feather. Of course it would be Brigid. So I picked up the book cheap and now the challenge is to see if I can read it all before the Spring Semester starts – January 16th. Wish me luck!
The Wolf perfume…I took a gamble on. I have a bottle of Wolf Spirit oil that I bought AGES ago – like back in 2002, when Psycho Ex and I had just started dating. And to me, that oil is THE wolf scent that I measure all other oils against. Sage Goddess’s Wolf perfume is so….softer…in smell than the Wolf Spirit Oil. But I still really like it. Sage Goddess’s brings to mind tundra wolves at twilight, whereas the Wolf Spirit Oil is more of the Red Wolves and Mexican Gray Wolves here in the southwest. ::smiles:: So definitely a different feel to it, but both serve their purposes well.
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