Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sunday Surviving

I’m feeling better in some ways and worse in others.  ::sighs::  I can breathe normally – aka, it doesn’t feel like my bronchial tubes are a fraction of their size and I can readily take deep, fulfilling breaths.  Sinus pressure and congestion is a motha fucka right now.  I took a five hour nap because taking a shower and then cooking mac and cheese wore me out so badly.

Thank goodness I have tomorrow off of work.  Originally, I had big plans to smudge down the whole house.  I even started a new jar of war water specifically for this.  But I have a feeling I’m going to be sleeping a LOT and hoping to get over this asap before going back to work on Tuesday.  I have a feeling there will be zero witchcraft tomorrow.  I mean, if standing at the stove for 10 minutes, occasionally stirring a pot of pasta to make sure it doesn’t stick to the pot was too much for me, I do not want imagine the level of exhaustion I will experience from a full house smudging.  Even when I’m at 100%, a full house smudging tires me out.  All I can say, thank GOD we have a small house.  Anything bigger, and it really would take a day to smudge down.  But then again, I do it smudge the house down three different ways – first with sage, second with sweetgrass, and then finally with the war water.  All “openings” get special attention – so every doorway, every window, every vent.  And then rest of the house get a good cleansing as well, but special attention is given to “openings” – even cabinet doors and the like.

If I can’t get to the smudging tomorrow, then I can do it this weekend.  David has his weekend shift, so he works 4 hours on Saturday and another 4 hours on Sunday.  I may have to do the smudging in two shifts as well.  Depends on how my energy levels are feeling.  There is also the Women’s March in Denton again that weekend.  I am on the fence about going.  I would LIKE to go, but my social anxiety is practically developed into social phobia.  ::sighs::  So I would like to go.  And if nothing else, I may go for a little while.  I certainly don’t have to stay the entire time.  But I WOULD like to be a part of it.  I know of at least one friend who is going.  I wouldn’t ride with them, but I would like to meet up with a few friendly faces while there.  That would go a long way alleviate my anxiety.

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