Saturday, January 27, 2018

More Drama

Yay for another drama bomb going off in the Cauldron group.  Robert is a dick male in the group.  Hell if I know why he’s still in the damn group.  He’s one of those Special Men who act like they are being treated like second class citizens just because we don’t put them up on pedestals just because they are MALE.  He’s one of those Special Men who, when treated equally as everyone else, and thus no longer receiving all that special Male attention, shout out about being oppressed.  ::rolls her eyes:: 

So Tara, a lovely Canadian lady, does these videos on the Cauldron – usually something creative on the witchy side along with a giveaway of some sort.  Robert pops on saying something about wow he doesn’t have to even watch the video or something along those lines.  He’s since deleted the comment.  But me and Barb came in, defending Tara.  I really, really, REALLY do loathe Robert.  And I really, really, REALLY adore Tara.  It’s not the first time that Robert’s just been a complete dick hole, and I am utterly baffled why he’s allowed to stay.  ::shakes her head::

I got this week’s assignments all done – even though they aren’t due technically until tomorrow.  So hurray me!  Youth Lit class has some crazy specifications on how the weekly discussions go, but I really have to plan that one out – I have to post my Initial Discussion Post, plus comment on two other people’s postings, but NONE of those postings can occur within the same 24-hour period.  Like, wow.  I mean, I get it because she’s wanting there to be actual discussions, therefore you can’t do all of that on just one night…but still.  Wow.  I need to get cracking on the blog assignment as well.  ::sighs::  Hopefully, Monday, when I get back from my gyno appointment, I can sit down with my white board and all the syllabi and really map out what has to be done each week and by when.  I’ve got a vague idea, but I really need to make it more concrete or else I’m going to get my ass handed to me HARD this semester.  Hell, I may just take all the syllabi and a sketchbook with me to my mom’s house tomorrow and spend the evening doing that.  It isn’t looking good for me if I’m already struggling this much and we are only on week 3.  ::chuckles:: 

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