Monday, February 13, 2017

White Boards & Grimoires

written: Feb 12th

Today’s photo is part of the essay I had to write today for my Financial and Human Resources Management in Information Agencies class:

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Yep, still using that white board my husband gave me a while back. It seriously has been quite useful, as I do prefer to write things out long hand and writing on the white board doesn’t fatigue my hands. I’m actually thinking of getting some white board paint and painting a huge board with it. I would get my husband to put an edge/frame on it (so that when I erase things, the eraser poo doesn’t smudge up my walls) and then have him hang it in my room. Honestly, I would love to have a HUGE one that takes up most of the wall next to my bed. Big enough to do my class work on, and my own personal writing on when the mood strikes. I could keep my weekly To Do List there as well. Ah, the possibilities of a 9 foot long, 4 foot high white board. ::laughs::

So, seeing as how my essay today (all 800 words of it) revolved around the Vatican Library, and because I am terribly behind on the YouTube Pagan Challenges, I thought it would be a good balance to write about one of the challenges.

I did Week 1 on January 10th and Week 2 on January 15th.

Week 3’s Prompt: How to organize your books – a table of contents, books marks, etc.

I have two books I’m working with. My Book of Shadows (which is more reference that I’ve built up over the years) is divided based on Sabbat, Esbat, Rituals, Totems, and Miscellaneous. Because it’s in a 3-ring binder, I use tabbed dividers. It does make it very easy to locate information I have on Ostara sabbat (an upcoming one in March, for the Spring Equinox).

My Working Grimoire is currently in a 3-ring binder, but I plan to have it bound at the end of the year into a hardback book. In its 3-ring binder phase it is also separated with tabbed dividers – but it’s separated according to month. So any ritual I do for the month of January, be it smudging, personal ritual, spell work, Esbat, Tarot readings, etc., it all goes behind the January tab. So my Working Grimoire will be done chronologically for the year. Maybe I’ll put a Table of Contents in before I get the book bound. It would make it easier to find the information. Or maybe I could include tabbed dividers in the bound book as well? Hmmm, all things to think about and figure out at the end of 2017 or the beginning of 2018.

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