Photo for today:
I love how guilty Josey always looks after destroying a box….that I gave her. ::laughs::
I keep putting off my Imbolc ritual. I have excuse after excuse…but honestly? I’m not overly feeling it now. ::shrugs:: It’s one of those rituals that honestly vibes with me the least. I don’t have any particular ties to the Celtic lineage of Paganism.
I mean, my maternal grandmother is a full-blooded Scot…but other than that, I don’t have any real ties to the paganism from that area of the world.
Instead, I’m focusing more on it being the first Sabbat of the year. I don’t honor Samhain/Halloween as the Witch’s New Year. I dunno – it’s just never made sense to me to celebrate Samhain being the last day of the year, even from the pagan mythos standpoint. Yule to me is more about the end. ::shrugs::
My plan for Imbolc revolves more around blessing my creativity and my various Books of Shadows and journals. And since I’m working in Annette’s journal, and I’ve gotten her permission, I’ll be blessing that as well.
Now I just have to get around to the actual ritual itself. ::laughs::
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