Friday, November 11, 2016

Thankful Thursday

written: November 10th

Because I’m in DESPERATE need of some positivity…as I’m sure a ton of other people are as here’s my Thankful Thursday.
I am thankful....
1. to be turning 35 years old today.
2. for being able to take the day off of work, to just cater to my whims and wants and desires for the entire fucking day. So seriously needed it!
3. that my amazing husband was also able to take the day off and spend it with me.
4. for the utter FLOOD of birthday wishes I woke up to on my Facebook page, the cards, the calls, etc that I got throughout the day for it as well. For someone who dances in the shadows as much as I do, it is always a welcomed surprise to see how many people do notice and do care about me.
5. that the soul-crushing depression I’ve been experiencing the past few weeks seems to be lifting. I don’t care if it’s lifting because I’m cycling into some mania or normal stretch…or if it’s due to me biting the bullet and that I’ve started taking St. John’s Wort....whatever the cause, I am grateful.
6. remembering that one of the goals I’ve set for myself this coming year is to take a photo a day (the 365 photo challenge) and snapping a selfie before midnight. ::laughs::
7. NyQuil, DayQuil, and Cough Drops – I think the plague may be lifting from me.
8. absolutely glorious November weather. Mostly sunny, light breeze, and temperatures in the high 60s. Absolutely beautiful!
9. the rallying I’ve seen of people who are disappointed with the outcome of the election, but are vowing to stand up and protect those of us who have a very real apprehension of what the next four years may have in store for us.
10. having a quiet moment, communing with a gorgeous black basalt state of Sekhmet that was carved so long ago, that I cannot even begin to truly fathom the span of time between the artist who created Her image and me standing before it, paying homage.

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