Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet?
Yeah. And if you know me at all, you know I’m thinking of our lovely “President Elect”.
How do you flush the toilet in public?
Um, with my hands. If it is so nasty that I wouldn’t use my hand to
flush the toilet, then I sure as hell am not parking my ass on it first.
Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?
Always and forever.
Do you have a crush on someone?
At this moment…surprisingly no.
Name one thing you worry about running out of.
Yeah, gonna stick with money on this one. Just about everything else
can be purchased with money, so when that runs out, you are up shit
What famous person do you (or other people) think you resemble?
When I was younger and going to the rodeo, I was often told by numerous
men that I looked like Terry Clark. I take that as a compliment,
because she’s hot. ::chuckles::
What is your favorite pizza topping?
Pepperoni and extra, extra cheese.
Do you crack your knuckles?
What song do you hate the most.
Meh, none that come to mind right now.
Does just mentioning a song make it get stuck in your head?
What are your super powers?
I hang out with and manage 67 elementary students (with 4 aides) on a
daily basis and I am damn good at my job (if my supervisor would just
realize this and stop trying to micro-manage the shit out of me on this,
it would be even better).
Peppermint or spearmint?
Where are your car keys?
On the key hook.
Whose answers to this questionnaire do you want to hear?
I think anyone who wants to answer it would have some interesting to read.
What’s your most annoying habit?
My arrogance.
Where did you last go on vacation?
Moody Gardens with my Mom.
What is your best physical feature?
Predatory gaze. ::grins toothily:: Oh and my hair.
What CD is closest to you right now?
No CDs downstairs.
What things can always be found in your refrigerator?
Water, ketchup, BBQ sauce, butter, and shredded cheese.
What do you believe/practice?
I am a super eclectic Pagan, with Shamanistic roots, a whole lot of
magick, dedicated to Sekhmet, and a dabbler in the Left Handed Path.
What color are your bed sheets?
Currently? Gray. But I do have brown, red, and green sheets as well.
Would you rather be a fish or a bird?
Bird. An owl.
Do you talk on your cell phone when you drive?
Very, very rarely.
What are your favorite sayings?
Do it mother fucker and see what happens.
What song(s) do you sing most often in the shower?
I sing in the car, not the shower.
If you could go back or forward in time, where would you go?
Way back. I’d love to experience Native American life pre-Columbus.
What is your favorite Harrison Ford movie?
Indiana Jones!
What song is currently playing?
No music playing at the moment.
What song do you wish was playing?
None. Am watching tv with the hubs and dog.
How many kids do you plan on having?
If you could kiss anyone who would it be?
John Cena! Or the Rock……or both. ::grins deviously:: Oooh, and Julia Stiles. ::swoons::
What do you do when no one is watching?
If they made a movie about your life, what actor/actress would be you?
No clue.
Would you rather die in a blaze of glory or peacefully in your sleep?
Depends on the reason behind the blaze of glory.
Coffee or Tea?
Favorite musician(s)/bands you’ve seen in concert?
Never been to a concert. I don’t do crowds.
Have you ever been in love?
Do you talk to yourself?
Only when I’m really stressed.
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