Had a LOVELY New Moon ritual (aka, Esbat if you are wanting to know the pagan terminology – I use it infrequently ::laughs::).

I love the moody photos done by candle-light, even if it doesn’t show a lot of the details.

But I feel it conveys the emotion, the environment of the ritual itself. And I like that.
Photo of the altar after the ritual, with the lights on so you can actually see stuff:

Going from left to right, top to bottom:
My new horsehide drum that Brandy painted and made. I ADORE it so much!
Drum beater in front of the drum (with wolf fur trim).
White candle.
Dried rose petals.
Athame (ritual dagger) sheath.
Offering bowl with the dried rose petals.
Tealight from WhisperingMoonStudio. I need to find out what tealight it is, because it smells AMAZING! They included it with a gemstone order I placed.
Pentacle altar tile with gemstones and rose petals on it (sorry for being secretive about it, but one of those gemstones is a special gift for someone who has access to my blog and so I don’t want to ruin the surprise).
Galaxy coyote skull.
Sacred feather.
Jar of rain/storm water.
Another white candle.
Gray Wolf incense by HarvestMoonHaven in the incense burner.
And of course, my traditional postritual selfie:

I love the moody photos done by candle-light, even if it doesn’t show a lot of the details.
But I feel it conveys the emotion, the environment of the ritual itself. And I like that.
Photo of the altar after the ritual, with the lights on so you can actually see stuff:
Going from left to right, top to bottom:
My new horsehide drum that Brandy painted and made. I ADORE it so much!
Drum beater in front of the drum (with wolf fur trim).
White candle.
Dried rose petals.
Athame (ritual dagger) sheath.
Offering bowl with the dried rose petals.
Tealight from WhisperingMoonStudio. I need to find out what tealight it is, because it smells AMAZING! They included it with a gemstone order I placed.
Pentacle altar tile with gemstones and rose petals on it (sorry for being secretive about it, but one of those gemstones is a special gift for someone who has access to my blog and so I don’t want to ruin the surprise).
Galaxy coyote skull.
Sacred feather.
Jar of rain/storm water.
Another white candle.
Gray Wolf incense by HarvestMoonHaven in the incense burner.
And of course, my traditional postritual selfie: