I completed my Tabula Rasa (Latin for “clean slate”) ritual today. I had already done the major leg work of reviewing the past year’s highs and lows. All in all 2014 was a pretty positive year. I like reviewing it all because it puts everything into perspective. The negative tends to really stand out in my memory, but this brings back all the good that was present to, that sometimes gets over looked. After all, isn’t it more fun to wallow in misery? *chuckles*
The final part of the Tabula Rasa ritual is the year ahead Tarot spread. Normally, in the past, I would use my Medicine Cards, as I tend to bond better with animals/totems than traditional Tarot. But I got a new deck a few months back that I just adore – the Gilded Tarot. So I used that, and this is honestly the clearest Tarot reading I’ve ever had. The next year is a year of Accomplishment and Doing, and that completely lines up with my own goals, my totem I’ve picked for the year, and my Word.
AND on top of all of that, this is also the final Feast Day of Sekhmet, so that had to be honored as well. She’s been piping up more and more (along with other deities/entities/totems) and I’m just loving that sense of reconnection.
My altar for this final Holy Day:

Obviously, the red and the garnets are sacred to Sekhmet. The incense is cinnamon, which She’s expressed a preference for. Present are the three Sekhmet statues I currently own. The white lions are symbolic of Her. And the alcohol? She laid claim to those as soon as I saw them. We’ll share the tequila later on tonight. The Goldschlager has been promised to Her later on in the year. She’ll let me know when She’s ready to claim it.
And for fun, a photo of me in ritual attire:

A beautiful red kimono robe with golden flames made for me by Jen. And a beautiful, fancy garnet necklace I bought ages ago and just remembered I had.