Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Day 2 of 30 Day Challenge

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1. Fear Of Losing My Mind
I am bipolar and have had very minor hallucinations before and so it's a large fear of mine that it will progress (even though there is no proof that it will/can) to the point that I would have to be institutionalized. This fear is a byproduct of how the general public reacts to mental health issues as a whole.

2. Large Crowds
Huge crowds make me go into panic attacks and I don't even have to be in the crowd for the tightness in my chest and shallow breathing to start. I was watching a National Geographic documentary on Mecca and the sheer horde of people on tv was enough to trigger the tightening in my chest. I couldn't imagine actually being there, in the press of so many people. This fear stems from the fact that while I believe people are generally good in their core as individuals for the most part, I don't trust mob mentality. People will do what is ultimately the best for their wants and desires.

3. Being a Victim
Assault, rape, robbery, kidnapping, murder -- these are things that are always in the back of my mind. Again, people are going to do what is best for them and sometimes that will be in direct opposition of what is best for ME. This fear arises from being a victim before and the desire to cut the risk of it happening again as much as I possibly can.

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