1. visit David's parents
2. see the Parthenon in Nashville
3. visit a zoo 4 times
4. talk to UNT about a Librarian Science degree
5. attend our Family Reunion (June 28th)
6. welcome my nephew into the world
7. begin a self-defense class
8. hang out with friends 3x (minimum)
9. trip to the public library
10. make candles
11. attend a Prepper meeting
12. feed a Gaboon Viper
13. continue my monthly selfie
14. watch a UFC event
15. celebrate Litha
16. celebrate the June full moon
17. celebrate the July full moon
18. celebrate Lammas
19. celebrate the August full moon
20. make Leviathan's hatch-day card
21. mail out Leviathan's hatch-day card
22. training for ESD (Aug 20 - 22)
23. try out 4 new recipes
24. curb spending
25. get comfortable on bar at Starbucks
26. go hunting for snakes
27. deep clean Leviathan's tank
28. buy another set of sheets for my bed
29. completely dust the living room
30. deep clean my Art Territory
31. deep clean bathroom
32. clean out both closets
33. make 3 crafts from Pinterest
34. get a hair cut
35. put some lavender in my hair
36. paint my toenails monthly
37. complete 3 big goals
38. finish the Vampire Diaries on Netflix
39. watch the fireworks on the 4th of July
40. take photos at the Family Reunion
41. make a photobook of the Family Reunion
42. make photobook of the Road Trip
43. cut back on caffeine
44. sell off 2 Zuni fetishes
45. deep clean altar and altar shelf
46. mount antlers
47. figure out where to hang them in my room
48. go swimming
49. get a tan
50. keep up-to-date with the Morning Pages
51. finish up current journal swap
52. plan David's birthday
53. starting planning 5th wedding anniversary
54. try 2 new places to eat
55. get 2 new polos for Starbucks
56. get 2 new pants/capris for Starbucks
57. get at least 1 new bra
58. get 3 new t-shirts
59. find out when the next Advanced R.A.D. is and plan to
60. meet up with an on-line buddy
61. attend a public Pagan ritual
62. write out my beliefs
63. continue researching Luciferianism
64. continue enjoying PostCrossing
65. send in a secret to PostSecret
66. daily walks with Holly as much as possible
67. roast marshmallows
68. see 2 movies in the movie theater
69. eat a hotdog
70. eat a snowcone
71. light sparklers
72. blow bubbles
73. take awesome, fun photos on the Road Trip
74. get fun photos with my students the last week of school
75. set up some plans for the next school year
76. build a fort
77. build my Prepper Binder
78. sexy time!
79. get a tan tattoo
80. dip my toes in the ocean
81. get a photo of it
82. make a cute gift basket for David's parents
83. learn how to use my camera remote
84. go a full day without using any computer
85. watch the fireflies
86. send postcards to friends
87. visit 2 new-to-me states
88. get a honeydew melon to share with Holly
89. get the technology summer job through the school
90. get drunk one evening
91. cool beach photo of David & I to put in a
beach-themed frame
92. make pancakes for dinner
93. enjoy an ice cream cone
94. read one of Kelley Armstrong's new books
95. browse through Half-Priced Books
96. learn a new braid or way to do my hair
97. try 1 facial/hair mask from Pinterest
98. finish the tv series Bitten
99. fire a gun
100. enjoy summer!
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