Monday, October 13, 2014


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ART: “Anoush” Tribal Portrait
ARTIST: Alf Caruana

While I’m not a huge fan of Christopher Columbus (seriously, I’m NOT)… I AM a fan of school holidays! *laughs* And today just so happens to be one of those lovely school holidays.

I worked a 3 hour shift at Starbucks and was home by 10:30 am. The day was spread out before me and I reveled in the freedom to do whatever my lil heart desired.

Holly and I took a nice, chilly, WINDY walk through the wooded trails.
No thugs.
No homeless lady.
But no Monarch butterflies either.
I only saw one yesterday, so I guess they’ve finally moved on towards Mexico.

Before we went on our walk, I sprayed down my tub, toilet, and both sinks in my bathroom. This way they could soak before I came back to scrub them down. They look much better now.

Then I washed my sheets and remade my bed. And did a load of dishes. Still need to put those away.

Then I scampered off to Target. I needed a pumpkin, and picked up some smaller gourds. Hint: Expect some Halloween photos of Leviathan soon-ish. And I picked up some “Monster Coin” candy for my staff. It’s just a dollar for a small bundle, so I thought it would be nice of me to pick one up for each of them. And I picked up a bundle for David AND for myself. Because I’m awesome that way. Add a candle and a journal to the mix (because that’s just how I roll) and bam! I was out of Target.

Got home and chatted with an OLD friend. Seriously, I think the last time I saw him was in Jr. High. He and a high school buddy of mine are committed to walking the Appalachian Trail starting in February. That spun off into us talking Prepping.

After that, I took a delicious 2 hour nap, listening to the wind whip and race around the apartment building. It’s very gusty and colder than it was at 8 am this morning. THIS is what October is supposed to be like. Not 90+ degree weather! *laughs*

And now, I’m kicking back, relaxing, and waiting on my husband to get home.
Even though he’ll most likely be crabby as shit due to him being the tech on call this week (basically means he works 24/7 until Thursday).

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