written: September 17
Photo 535/1001
A lil rose on my rose bush. Like I’ve mentioned before, this summer
has been utterly BRUTAL on my plants. But I’m thrilled to see my rose
bush is still fighting the good fight and she’s got a handful of buds
that will be blooming later on this month.
I had my psych eval today and it went soooooo much better than I
thought it would. The intake nurse was super friendly and
non-judgmental, even on the bad stuff, which is always nice. She didn’t
even blink when I told her I am Pagan when she asked what my religion
is. And honestly, I’m kind of shocked at myself for being open about
that. I’ve been in the broom closet most of my life and typically only
share the details of my spirituality with a select few.
The intake nurse recommends the middle level tier of therapy, which
is five days a week, from 9 am to 4 pm. Mostly because I would get to
see a psychiatrist during that time. But yeah, I don’t really want to
do that. So I’m looking at the next level down, which is group therapy
three days a week for about 3 hours. But even that…I don’t really care
to do group therapy. She did give me some resources for psychiatrists
and therapists in my city, so I may look into that.
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