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The full Pirates of the Caribbean chess set (minus two pawns). I’m going to print this out and glue it to the inside of the box cover, so the kids can put the pieces back in the correct spots. It can be quite the nightmare. Granted, I’ve been putting the pieces back for the past 12 years, so I’m pretty good at it. But I would rather the students do it.
Work was actually pretty good. The students left fairly early. We had blueberry muffins for our snack. Woohoo! LOVE those.
Mood-wise, I’m doing world’s better. Like I think the meds are finally kicking in and doing what they are supposed to be doing.
We got paid today, which is NICE. I got a 76 cent raise, which is impressive. The previous 3 raises I’ve received never were more than 12 cents. With that raise, I finally broke the $26 an hour bar. Woohoo! Too bad this couldn’t be a full time job. That would be nice.
Still haven’t heard anything back from the G. Library. I’m not going to lie, I am starting to lose hope on that. Guess I’ll go ahead and fill out the volunteer application for the F. Library and start working on my hours there. ::sighs:: Definitely NOT the way I want to go, but what else can I do at this point? Every library job posting I’ve seen wants a year’s worth of library experience.
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