Photo 547/1001

September new moon signals that it’s time to recharge and re-bless my medicine bundle. And I love that this medicine pouch is so old and so well loved, that you can see the outline/imprint of the spirit helper that lives in the pouch in the leather itself.
New moon is also the time I making offers to my Beloved Dead, to feed them and continue the connection between us. I’m trying out a new incense that I got as a sampler with one of my orders. We’ll see how the Ancestors like it. I’ll also be cutting one of the roses from my rosebush to put on my altar for them as well.
I have been working in Sharmila’s journal and one of the art journals I have laying around the house today. I REALLY like how 2 of the pages have turned out in Sharmila’s journal. I’m playing with paint and blending and having a BLAST. I’m hoping she’ll let me keep the journal a little past the mail out date, so I can take it to Atlanta, Georgia at the end of October. I’m sure I can find some cool things in that city to add to the journal. ::smiles::
And yes, the Atlanta road trip is a GO! Woohoo! I’ll get to meet a long-time journaling buddy and hopefully a pen pal friend along the way. Honestly, I’m just ready to get out of Texas for a bit. I plan to hit up some of the Pagan stores in Atlanta, and see another journaling buddy as well that I got to meet the last time I did a long road trip (from here to Delaware and back…..such a long road trip). Plus, I get to go to the Melting Pot with Annie – it’s her favorite place to eat and I’ve never been, so I figured that would be a great place to do dinner one night. ::smiles:: I’m seriously STOKED about this trip.
I am officially on sabbatical from the Coven until November. Seems this is the best time for me to take a sabbatical – there are no classes and I already wasn’t going to the public ritual. So the month of October is 100% mine and already it feels like a weight has been lifted. And then I get to come back in time for the Coven Retreat in November. Seriously looking forward to that as well. ::smiles::

September new moon signals that it’s time to recharge and re-bless my medicine bundle. And I love that this medicine pouch is so old and so well loved, that you can see the outline/imprint of the spirit helper that lives in the pouch in the leather itself.
New moon is also the time I making offers to my Beloved Dead, to feed them and continue the connection between us. I’m trying out a new incense that I got as a sampler with one of my orders. We’ll see how the Ancestors like it. I’ll also be cutting one of the roses from my rosebush to put on my altar for them as well.
I have been working in Sharmila’s journal and one of the art journals I have laying around the house today. I REALLY like how 2 of the pages have turned out in Sharmila’s journal. I’m playing with paint and blending and having a BLAST. I’m hoping she’ll let me keep the journal a little past the mail out date, so I can take it to Atlanta, Georgia at the end of October. I’m sure I can find some cool things in that city to add to the journal. ::smiles::
And yes, the Atlanta road trip is a GO! Woohoo! I’ll get to meet a long-time journaling buddy and hopefully a pen pal friend along the way. Honestly, I’m just ready to get out of Texas for a bit. I plan to hit up some of the Pagan stores in Atlanta, and see another journaling buddy as well that I got to meet the last time I did a long road trip (from here to Delaware and back…..such a long road trip). Plus, I get to go to the Melting Pot with Annie – it’s her favorite place to eat and I’ve never been, so I figured that would be a great place to do dinner one night. ::smiles:: I’m seriously STOKED about this trip.
I am officially on sabbatical from the Coven until November. Seems this is the best time for me to take a sabbatical – there are no classes and I already wasn’t going to the public ritual. So the month of October is 100% mine and already it feels like a weight has been lifted. And then I get to come back in time for the Coven Retreat in November. Seriously looking forward to that as well. ::smiles::