Sunday, August 11, 2019


written:  August 05

Photo 492/1001


Fabulous “HR” stuff at orientation today…that ended up having NOTHING to do with HR or orientation or anything really....

Speaking of HR, he blathered on about all sorts of stuff that had nothing to do with HR or our job…and then finished his speech off this with gem:
Nothing anyone says is offensive. You CHOOSE to be offended.

Now hold the fuck up. Are you kidding me? I legit saw red there for a second and Jess, my 2nd in command, had to lean over and ask if I was ok. No, I was hella pissed. I am TIRED of statements like that, that put all the responsibility on the marginalized group and zero responsibility on the person saying the shitty stuff.

I ended up emailing HR guy directly and airing my grievance. I am so proud of myself, as I used zero curse words. ::laughs:: And honestly, I am pretty damn pleased with how the letter turned out as well. I was so articulate and laid out all the issues, along with suggestions on how to avoid such pitfalls in the future. Now, I just wait to see how he responds.

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