Photo 493/1001

My husband found this rock out in the yard while digging and thought I would like it. ::smiles:: I have such a cool husband. He may not understand my obsession with rocks and stuff, but he knows it makes me happy so he’s happy to find things like this for me. And what’s even better is that it didn’t cost him a thing. ::chuckles::
Second day at Orientation. At least this day didn’t have any horrible comments from HR. ::chuckles:: Though we were supposed to be doing this ice breaker game, where you go around and have people sign off on things they’ve done over the summer – like a bingo game. I did a few and then opted to just sit down and talk with my staff members instead. Sam (one of the Zone Leaders) came over and asked if we were already done. I said no, and mentioned that I’m an introvert and that it would be nice if they would find ways to play to our strengths instead of always doing extrovert things. Then, for whatever reason, she decided that she should hug me? I was sitting down and she was standing up and she came in for the side hug. And I must mention here, Sam is a BIG lady. Which means she has MASSIVE boobs. And yeah, you can see where I’m going with this. Her left boob basically engulfed me. ::shakes her head:: Why do people want to hug me? Like, I don’t think I come across as someone who enjoys that. I’m highly selective with who I will hug. But some people just seem to WANT to hug me. I don’t get it.
Apparently I’m no longer as intimidating as I used to be. Guess I need work on that. ::chuckles::
HR guy emailed it back. He said that he feels he covered the differences between petty annoyances and truly offensive behavior. Yeah….but everyone that has reached out to me, and that I have in turn reached out to as well? Yeah, NO ONE got that message buddy. Not one single person of the 30 or so I’ve talked to. I’ll respond at some point because I don’t want him to feel like I’m letting him off the hook.
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