Photo 491/1001

Me, enjoying a Straw-ber-Rita that my Sis-in-Law bought us, but that we didn’t have the chance to drink there in Houston.
Man, the drive back from Houston was fine until we hit Dallas. And there was a MASSIVE wreck on 35 that had it shut down completely. I ended up doing a tad bit of “off-roading” with my Honda Civic so I could get to the access road. If I didn’t, we would have been stuck there for a good hour or so. Yeah, fuck that noise. ::laughs::
Other than that, we relaxed at home, did some laundry, and started preparing for my work week to begin tomorrow. I’m not overly pleased that I’m headed back to the after school program. But then again, I did drop the ball about applying to jobs, so really, I only have myself to blame.
BUT, I’m doing my best to stay positive and make the best out of this situation. Thankfully, I am back at my same campus, and Jess and Kaitlyn will be back with me as well. I’ll have two new aides to train, but at least it isn’t ALL new aides.
Besides, if I have to be stuck with a job, at least this one gives me the mornings off to do interviews, while paying me VERY well (especially for a part-time job) AND gives me full benefits. Oh, and the whole not working weekends, holidays, or school breaks is REALLY nice as well. ::chuckles::
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