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Little Miss Leviathan was out cruising her tank this evening. I love my little girl. Hard to believe she’ll be turning 13 years old next week!
Rough day today.
My doctor’s nurse called this morning. She was letting me know that someone will be calling me to schedule my thyroid sonogram in the next few days. And then she wants me to come back in and do another blood test, to check for gluten sensitivity. ::sighs:: I know that gluten sensitivity isn’t the end of the world. But seriously? All the food I LOVE is gluten based. If I have gluten sensitivity, that means I’m going to have to make a HUGE life change in my diet. And I’m just being real here…I don’t know if I have the energy right now to even begin to tackle that massive undertaking.
Depression is still smothering me. Thank goodness I’m only working part-time right now, and I know my staff and campus NEED me to be there. Because, otherwise? I’d just hibernate for the foreseeable future. I don’t know how people with depression more severe than mine can hold down full-time jobs. Because, I’m struggling hard right now with what little I do. I dunno. Maybe that’s the depression talking?
I’m bouncing between depression and rage.
Me and the other two students in the Coven are supposed to be working together to create and perform the next full moon ritual for our Coven. And while there has been SOME discussion, Nicki went ahead and filled out the Ritual Outline. And it just made me so damn mad, because I wasn’t consulted before she did that. And I know I’m just being grumpy, but fuck man. I’m GRUMPY. And Elise, the other student, is nowhere to be found. And this has been an issue previously as well.
Oh well. At least Nicki is willing to take the lead on this. I’m not in the mood to do so. I’ll be invoking the goddess Hecate for this ritual. I may end up doing the altar as well. Both of those are things I still have to do to fulfill my Coven homework for the Goddess section and the Sacred Space section. I still have a shit ton left to do, but have like zero motivation to do it.
Seriously, if I had my way, I would build a blanket fort in the living room. I would stock it with Starbucks madeleine cookies and croissants and chai lattes. And I would doodle and binge watch Season 2 of Mindhunter.