Photo 318/1001

Doctor’s office selfie (since I didn’t get my selfie done on the 10th of this month).
The day started bright and early with a 7 am phone call from my Mom.
To let me know that my maternal grandmother passed away at 2 am.
At least I didn’t have to go to my Practicum this morning at the library. I had a doctor’s appointment instead, for my ear infection…which turned out to be BOTH ears. So yeah, steroids and antibiotics for the win.
Then I had a staff meeting. Which honestly, I totally could have skipped, but I really need the money. I did give myself permission to just walk out if we ended up doing our stupid Circle Time again. Nope. Instead we got to spend most of the meeting putting together a small coloring packet that will go to one of the local children’s hospitals. It’s a lovely concept and I can totally get behind that, but we already have so much other stuff we’re doing on campus, that this just really isn’t ranking too high on my priority list right now. I did NOT make one of the practice ones. Really wasn’t feeling it and I sure as shit was not going to play nice to appease others right now.
I ended up stepping out into the hallway instead and ordering a pink rose to have delivered to my Mom’s house to just let her know I’m thinking of her right now. Kelly (super head boss) stepped out in the hallway to make sure I hadn’t just up and left. ::rolls her eyes:: And Esmeralda (my supervisor) seemed a little surprised that I didn’t make one of the coloring books, but didn’t say anything. I mean, we got a print out with directions on how to make them and I can fucking read. I don’t need to make one right now.
Then it was to work. Which I would have loved to have not gone to, but we’re already down a person and I won’t do that to my staff. Besides, I wasn’t relishing the idea of just being at home alone with little to distract me. Work went well.
And no, I have not told my bosses or my staff that my grandmother passed. I just cannot deal with the “sympathy” right now in person. I’m barely holding it together as it is. I did, however, email my Practicum Supervisor and let her know, because I was not going to come in Wednesday or Thursday for my Practicum hours. My grandmother is the one who majorly instilled the love for reading in me and who had a very large personal library. So yeah, spending time IN a library? Can’t do that right now.
I did light some incense and pray for her. I thought it was fitting that I chose the “Celtic Mist” as my grandmother was a proud full-blooded Scot.
Mom’s asked if I want to be a pall bearer. I’m actually very humbled that she would ask me and I’m happy to do that for my grandmother. So now, I need to get some black boots, as I’m gonna need “sensible” shoes for the funeral. I mean, I HAVE black boots already – but somehow I don’t think my black, knee-high combat boots with a 3 inch heel are going to lend themselves to a steady base. ::chuckles::
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