written: February 13
Photo 319/1001
Sleepy Josey in light and shadow.
I am doing world’s better today, mentally, with the whole grief
process. Little things will catch me off guard and made me a bit sad.
And holy crap, I have been seeing turtle imagery EVERYWHERE. My
grandmother ALWAYS made it a point, if we saw a turtle crossing the
road, we would turn around and help it get safely to the side it was
headed. ALWAYS. Didn’t matter where we were going, if we were late or
not. If there was a turtle on the road, we were stopping for it. I
still do this to this day. Anytime and every time I see a turtle. And
it always makes me think of her. Hence why I’m thinking of getting a
turtle tattoo in her memory.
Ok, I seriously have to get to work in Leida’s journal. I’ve had it
like a month now and haven’t done a single page! ::laughs:: Granted, I
do have ideas about pages I want to do. And I’ve even printed some of
my photos from the Falconry expo that I want to put in there. I just
haven’t put pen to paper just yet. Mail out date is NEXT Friday, so I
need to get to cracking. Which also reminds me, I need to send out
Annie’s parcel with the Red Fast Luck Oil in it asap as well. AND the
coffee mug I bought for a friend, but just haven’t gotten it packed up
and mailed just yet. I’m running so behind, but it’s a completely
justified behind, given EVERYTHING going on in my life right now.
I need to figure out what I’m going to say at my grandmother’s
funeral. Which awesome story I will share. And I need to figure out
how I’ll mark her passing my own way (aka, non-Christian). The funeral
itself is going to be pretty informal. The family is doing most of the
talking and reading of various Bible passages. We’ll do a lunch before
and then the graveside service.
I hung up the hearts the staff and I wrote for the students today.
They turned out so good and I’m so glad I decided to this for the
kiddos. The kids had so much fun looking for their heart and reading
what of us wrote about them. This is going in the Care & Feeding of
the After School binder so hopefully it can become a tradition year
after year. I even emailed Esmeralda (my supervisor) about it. I was
kind of hoping she’d come out to the campus and see them, but she just
asked me to take some pictures to send to her. ::shrugs:: Oh well, I
didn’t do it for her. I’m thinking next week I will laminate them and
have the staff help me cut them out before giving them to the students.
I also want to write the after school program’s name and the year on
the back of them before I give them to the kiddos. I have no idea if
they will keep them or not, but at least the thought it there.
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