Photo 307/1001
An awesome Imbolc package I received from Annette. She seriously finds THE COOLEST things ever. I need to step up my witch game here! ::chuckles::
First official day of LetterMo. Though I must admit, I’ve already mailed out a few letters to international buddies, so hopefully those letters will arrive before the month ends.
Payday was today, and it wasn’t an overly great one. But this should be the last one with the Winter Break on it, so hopefully the next one will be much better. Originally, I was planning to pick up another top for the library job, but I’ll have to really price hunt. Gotta keep it cheap this go around.
I didn’t work the F. Library this morning. It was so amazing to sleep in an extra hour and get up when my husband did. It was also amazing to have the time to leisurely take a hot shower and goof around on the internet. ::smiles:: I miss my mornings of ME time. Just a few more months of this crazy schedule, and then I should only have one job to juggle.
I finally wrote my Practicum Goals.
1. Learn how to create and implement community enrichment classes/programs
2. Learn how to best serve our patrons
3. Network with other librarian professionals
There are 3 steps under each one of these goals that breaks down how I plan to achieve these goals. I’ve submitted this and the January log of Practicum hours to my professor. So whoohoo for being done with this week’s assignments. I have one assignment due next Friday for the Resources class. I’ve got 90% of the reading done for it, so I just need to finish that up and do the assignment itself.
The high priestess of the TOK Coven sent out an email today about Imbolc that really resonated with me. It talked about having daily spiritual practice and that Imbolc is a key time to do yearly re-commitments to your path/practice. And it just resonated with me, as on my drive to my lil hometown this past weekend, I just spontaneously started saying a quick little prayer to Circe (a new-to-me deity/half-titaness) each time I saw a hawk. Just a quick little hello and offering up some praise. I figured that was a good way to peak her interest and to start off a new relationship on a good foot. Honestly, I should find a trigger for me doing the same for Sekhmet and the Harpies. And I need to get back into the habit of doing that as well. It’s time for me to start putting in the effort again.
I guess, because it all seemed to come so naturally to me, that I never did have to really put in any effort. And now, I’m being taught to stop taking it for granted. I need to start working at it again. I am pretty sure that’s the message behind the radio silence I have been experiencing here recently.
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