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Lil Miss Leviathan was actually out and about her tank today. ::smiles:: I just adore my lil serpent lady. I can hardly believe she’s 12 years old at this point.
Big Things Today:
We had our staff meeting today in which we all sat in a circle,
passed a tiny plastic trophy around, and answered bullshit questions
about ourselves. Like, what’s your favorite color. What office supply
best embodies you. ::shakes her head:: Introvert hell.
They’ve agreed to remove Zander from the program…..BUT his last day
isn’t until tomorrow. So we’ve still got to make it through today and
tomorrow. Please god, let them be GOOD days. I don’t think I can do
much more at this point.
Had a good talk with Emily T. about the issues I’m seeing. Honestly,
it went very well I think. Much better than I was anticipating. So
hopefully we’ve reached a better understanding of all the things and we
can get back on track again. And if not, well, then I’ve tried and next
come write-ups.
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