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My beautiful roses. We’re supposed to get a freeze on Friday night, so I’m not sure if it’s going to survive it. Which, I mean, it is early November. But I’m going to be sad to see my roses close up shop for the year. I should probably just go ahead and cut them and put them in a vase to enjoy. ::chuckles:: Such pretty roses.
Crazy long day at work due to the fact that the kiddos couldn’t go outside (misting rain and it being in the high 40s). And they couldn’t go to the gym because Excite (a local gymnastic program) has all their stuff set up in there for the week. Thank goodness Emily (shit aide) hadn’t taken her movies home yet, so we were able to watch Finding Nemo.
Yeah, the necklace that Shit Lady said was mailed out on Monday? Yeah, USPS just picked it up TODAY to mail. ::snarls:: Shit Lady couldn’t even tell me the truth. ::rolls her eyes:: I’m going to smudge that necklace the fuck down when it gets here because I want NONE of her energy left on it. Honestly, I think she went ahead and made the shipping label on Monday just so I couldn’t cancel the order. ::shakes her head:: Yeah, will NOT be ordering from that shop ever again. Which is a pity, because she had these gorgeous rough garnet rings that I’ve been drooling over. But yeah, after this experience? NOPE. I’ll get a ring somewhere else.
I need to get a photo of the awesome earrings David got me for my birthday. He got them from one of his coworkers. He complimented her on her earrings and asked her where she got them because he thought they looked like something I would wear. He mentioned that it was my birthday this week. And because she’s awesome, she up and offered that pair to him. She of course cleaned them up before handing them over.
They’re a copper half circle with black tassels. Copper isn’t typically a metal/color I wear, as I prefer silver. But I’m sensing a lesson here to break out of my standard “I only wear this color” mentality. So I’m just rolling with it. Now I’ve just got to get my ears used to wearing earrings once again. ::chuckles:: I very rarely wear them.
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