Photo 242/1001

My Josey with her two loves: her sunspot and her bone. ::laughs::
So I finally bit the bullet and emailed 9 local libraries to see if they have practicum positions open for the Spring semester. I shot that email off before heading in to work, and by the time I got to work, my #6 choice had already emailed me back wanting to set up an interview next Thursday. By the end of work, I had also heard from my #2 choice and #4, along with assurances I would hear soon from choices #7, #8, and #9. ::chuckles:: And here I was worried I wouldn’t be able to get a position! ::chuckles:: Looks like I will have my pick of places.
Esmeralda (my supervisor) came out to talk to me about the staffing at my campus. Megan is leaving at the end of the week. And apparently, Emily has put in a request to transfer to another campus because she’s moving and would like to be a campus closer to her new home. That’s the first I’ve heard of Emily wanting to transfer, but it doesn’t surprise me. She is SUPER non-confrontational to the point that she doesn’t even like directly speaking at times. So, I may be “losing” Emily in January if there is a campus open for her.

My Josey with her two loves: her sunspot and her bone. ::laughs::
So I finally bit the bullet and emailed 9 local libraries to see if they have practicum positions open for the Spring semester. I shot that email off before heading in to work, and by the time I got to work, my #6 choice had already emailed me back wanting to set up an interview next Thursday. By the end of work, I had also heard from my #2 choice and #4, along with assurances I would hear soon from choices #7, #8, and #9. ::chuckles:: And here I was worried I wouldn’t be able to get a position! ::chuckles:: Looks like I will have my pick of places.
Esmeralda (my supervisor) came out to talk to me about the staffing at my campus. Megan is leaving at the end of the week. And apparently, Emily has put in a request to transfer to another campus because she’s moving and would like to be a campus closer to her new home. That’s the first I’ve heard of Emily wanting to transfer, but it doesn’t surprise me. She is SUPER non-confrontational to the point that she doesn’t even like directly speaking at times. So, I may be “losing” Emily in January if there is a campus open for her.