Photo 144/1001

A teeny, tiny little bud on my rosebush. She’s apparently gearing up for another round of blooms. The rains and the non-scorching-heat has done my rosebush a lot of good it seems. I’m excited. Hopefully these blossoms will be full this time around and not baked to death like the previous round. It would certainly be nice to have some pretty roses for my Mabon Altar later on in September.
Today was an ok day. Slowly but surely it seems to be getting better.
Esmeralda (my supervisor) came out to talk about the shit-storm Monday was – um, dropping 7 brand new kids into my program with about 30 minutes heads up AND putting me OVER my cap really was shitty of my secretary to do – and Esmeralda wanted more information on my “special needs” kiddos. I hate talking with her because I’m a very blunt, cut to the chase type of person, so I just lay it all out on the table. And she sits there, looking at me….and I feel compelled to continue talking to fill up the awkward silence. ::shakes her head:: I know, that is my problem and something I need to work on. Let me add that to the Someday I’ll Get To This Shit list. ::chuckles::
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