written: August 4
Photo 126/1001
Photo of the cover of my current BaBuJo (bastardize bullet journal).
It’s gold, which is so out of character for me. I loathe gold.
Even though NaJoWriMo officially ended on July 31st, I’m still
keeping up with hand-writing journal entries in my composition notebook.
Kind of helps with the down time on Thursdays and Fridays during
deployment. But now that that is over, I’m curious to see how long I
keep it going. ::chuckles::
I’m doing better after yesterday’s shocker. I hate that even after
13 years…it still hit me like a ton of bricks out of left field. It
seems just when I think I’ve put it behind me, something comes along and
shows me I haven’t. And I don’t know what to do about it. would
therapy help? Because, what pisses me off the most is that the asshole
got away with it. Sure the detectives interviewed him. But ultimately
it was his word against mine. I just hope there’s some sort of note in
his permanent record about the situation. Just in case he repeats
himself, then there’s some sort of notation that he’s at least been
accused of this previously. Not sure if it helps, but I tried to do my
I reached a new Pagan Achievement Level today. There was a group of
Christians going door to door apparently to spread the “good word”.
Husband told them, “no thank you” as they were walking up to our gate.
I’m sure having a pit bull running up to the gate helped persuade them
NOT to press their luck. But then they ended up congregating on the
sidewalk in front of our house to have a prayer circle. First time I’ve
ever had that occur. ::chuckles:: I would love nothing more than to
find out where their home base is, and gather up a group of Pagan
buddies and go have a “prayer circle” in front of their place.
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