written: March 9th
Photo for today:
Apparently I am a comfortable headrest. ::chuckles::
I am thankful…
1. I’m halfway through writing my midterm paper. I’ve made it through
the oh-so-boring copyright section of the paper and am now on to the
more interesting “issues with selection and censorship of digital
2. Amber is finally off my campus. I wish her the best, but I am so fucking glad she’s gone.
3. MoonTime is over and done with. I need to do some research into the
Red Tent and other menstrual-positive ideas. I’m going to be
menstruating for a NUMBER of more years, so I might as well find a
positive spin to put on it.
4. Doing a little Spring Cleaning on my FaceBook page – had to cull out
a “meninist” from my friend’s list. He commented on a photo I shared
of a lil old lady swinging her purse to hit a Nazi in the head, stating
that if I were to resort to violence, that would make me just as bad.
In his words, attacking a Nazi would make me just as bad as a Nazi. Are
you fucking kidding me? Yeah, kicked that shit to the curb and haven’t
looked back.
5. That next week is Spring Break. I am so fucking ready.
6. Finally have Ricky on my campus. He was one of my first after
school students in this program so it’s kind of cool and humbling all at
the same time that he’s now working for me.
7. My awesome, mostly comfortable bed. And the fact that I don’t have
to share it with my husband. ::laughs:: I’m a very restless sleeper,
so I would only keep us both up most of the night if we did have to
share a bed.
8. That Holly’s tree (the rocket red crape myrtle) is finally leafing
out. I was a little concerned that it didn’t survive the various
freezes we had, but I’m glad all that worrying was for nothing. I can’t
wait to see its awesome blossoms later on in the season.
9. My rose bush from Paula is doing very well. The two blossoms I
photographed a while back are looking like they are getting ready to
bloom soon. And I’ve spotted a ton of others just starting to pop up.
10. That my essential oil vials finally showed up, even after the
postman delivered them to the wrong house and they were MIA for five
whole days before mysteriously turning up in my mailbox (one that only
the postman can get in to…but it happened between mail deliveries, so I
have no explanation). Now I can get the various samples put into far
more useful vials. And I plan to make up some samples for Brandy and
send them her way soon.
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