This entry was written early, early this morning.

I feel like a fraudulent witch. I rarely have a major “goal” or “working” as the center of my rituals – be they lunar (Esbats) or Solar (Sabbats) based. All these other witches are casting this spell or that spell. They are creating poppets and sigils and concocting potions and spell bottles. They are making these Great Things ™ for the Gods/Spirits.
And I am over here, just celebrating the connection. That’s what I am seeking. I don’t celebrate the turning of the seasons with any particular goal in mind other than just connecting with something (anything) greater than myself – hell anything different than myself. I mark the movement of time, but simply to mark its passing.
Everyone else has their lives mapped out. They have tidy goals for their lives with well-defined plans of attack. And I’m just over here, slowly embracing the fact that this will never be who I am. I am the feral animal, playing in the woods, floating through life, with these amorphous, vague dreams. So why would my Witchcraft mimic another’s Practice, when even our lives are so drastically different?
But that’s the amazing beauty at the core of Witchcraft – it is tailor made to the person’s individual Practice. I just need to embrace it more, trust my Soul to lead the Way. It ain’t called the Trackless Path for nothing.
So I don’t need an external “purpose” to my rituals. It is enough that I want to celebrate, to mark the grains of sand as they slip through my wolfen hands, to connect to Whatever-it-is-that-I-connect with. I need to just run with it and stop thinking about it so much.
Trust your Spirit, SheWolf. She knows the Way.
I feel like a fraudulent witch. I rarely have a major “goal” or “working” as the center of my rituals – be they lunar (Esbats) or Solar (Sabbats) based. All these other witches are casting this spell or that spell. They are creating poppets and sigils and concocting potions and spell bottles. They are making these Great Things ™ for the Gods/Spirits.
And I am over here, just celebrating the connection. That’s what I am seeking. I don’t celebrate the turning of the seasons with any particular goal in mind other than just connecting with something (anything) greater than myself – hell anything different than myself. I mark the movement of time, but simply to mark its passing.
Everyone else has their lives mapped out. They have tidy goals for their lives with well-defined plans of attack. And I’m just over here, slowly embracing the fact that this will never be who I am. I am the feral animal, playing in the woods, floating through life, with these amorphous, vague dreams. So why would my Witchcraft mimic another’s Practice, when even our lives are so drastically different?
But that’s the amazing beauty at the core of Witchcraft – it is tailor made to the person’s individual Practice. I just need to embrace it more, trust my Soul to lead the Way. It ain’t called the Trackless Path for nothing.
So I don’t need an external “purpose” to my rituals. It is enough that I want to celebrate, to mark the grains of sand as they slip through my wolfen hands, to connect to Whatever-it-is-that-I-connect with. I need to just run with it and stop thinking about it so much.
Trust your Spirit, SheWolf. She knows the Way.
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