written: March 2nd
Photo for today:
AMAZING artwork by Mary that she did in my journal.
And so appropriate for today.
But I’m holding off on discussing that just yet. Instead, I’m going with my traditional Thankful Thursday instead.
I am thankful…
1. A new month, a clean slate. I like the fresh newness of a brand new
month – it’s ripe with hope and possibility. ::laughs::
2. Income tax return came in today. Woohoo! No worries. I’m being
responsible with it. No hookers and no tattoos. I’ll wait until I get
my librarian job to do that. ::laughs and winks::
3. Leonard came and mowed the yard and it looks so nice! I hadn’t realized just how wild and overgrown it had become.
4. The depression seems to be lifting. I am hopeful this becomes the standard “normal” for a while.
5. That I have learned how to identify manipulator and gas-lighting and
thus do not get entangled in their tricks. And I’m grateful to know
how to disengage, shut that shit down, AND protect myself against such
6. Really nice New Moon Polar Bear ritual. I’m glad I waited a day and
that I then forged ahead and did the ritual even if I wasn’t 100%
feeling it. I think it was the exact boost I needed.
7. Setting aside the money now to pay for Krav Maga classes this
summer. As much as I would love to take the classes now, it’s just not
workable with my current schedule.
8. My goofy ass pit bull and her crazy antics. From the zoomies in the
yard to going all out in pursuit of the Red Dot, I really do adore her
(regardless of her bullshit).
9. MASSIVE turkey vulture I saw today on my way to work. For me they
are a totem of being in your element and being true to yourself –
something I definitely need more of!
10. That even though the “discussion” with Amber about certain behaviors
at work did NOT go according to plan, and that it lasted damn near an
HOUR, it is over and done with, and I hope we can make some progress
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