I am thankful:
1. First day of “Institute” for INFO 5000 is over and done with, and it wasn’t nearly as bad as I was worried it would be.
2. Getting to talk with some other INFO students that have taken INFO 5200 and getting some insight on the BIG PROJECT. I’m still a bit intimidated by the project, but it’s no longer abject terror.
3. MoonTime hasn’t been too brutal thus far. Really wish it had held off until after all the craziness of my 4 day stretch of in-person grad school classes (called Institutes), but it is what it is.
4. Pretty decent room here at the DoubleTree. I ADORE the king size bed I have, though the walls certainly could stand to be a bit thicker.
5. Nice dinner with my Mom, brother, sister-in-law, and Lil Nephew last night at Ninfas (a pretty good Mexican food place).
6. My new laptop. I love having access to the internet to keep myself entertained, plus getting some stuff set up for my grad school classes.
7. That the only nasty traffic I hit heading down here to Houston was actually in Dallas. Sucked that it took me 30 minutes to go about 5 miles, but once I got past that, it was smooth sailing. I’m hoping for smooth traveling as I head home tomorrow.
8. Mom giving me a bit of spending money to help off-set the costs of this trip. It allowed me to indulge in my hermit tendencies, and I got to order room-service. After a day spend interfacing with strangers, I NEEDED the solitude of my room.
9. That thus far, my staff have only called me once in a panic. Granted, there is still one more day left in the work week, but they should be fine.
10. All I have to do is get through the next three days. After that, the rest of the semester is all on line. Just gotta do the two Institutes. Goddess give me strength!
That's awesome, Walks! WTG!